You Are Not Alone. We Are Holding It Together.

News –

A message from Rev. Laura, Contract Minister / Pastoral Care

Help Us Find Ways To Give and Receive Congregational Care

Do you know how many ways First Universalist members and staff “hold it together” for us? 

Here are just a few:

  • Meal train cooks—supplying meals for a person/family who is recovering or needs support
  • Rides—to church and appointments
  • Congregational care visits—at church, home, or in care facilities
  • A Welcome New Child Team—supporting families who have just adopted or had a baby
  • Handmade prayer shawls—delivered to congregants recovering from surgery or illness 
  • Support groups—for people caring for a family member who needs special care and for those experiencing grief. 
  • Educational programs on dementia, death and dying, and other topics.

There are countless other opportunities for spiritual growth and connections!

To further support our members and friends, a Congregational Care Team is being revived so we can expand care to all who may have a need and to reach people within our church community during times of need (illness, accident, surgery, health crises, and more). This team will think broadly about the needs of the congregation and offer personal and spiritual care. The team plans to provide friendly visits in a variety of settings (in-home, or in hospitals, rehab facilities, assisted living) and reach out to congregants with cards and calls. 

We also need a group of dedicated volunteer members and friends who will be the “first line” of helpers to meet practical needs of our congregants who are in need, such as cooking meals, rides to church or appointments, simple household chores (shovel and lawn moving), minor repairs, tech assistance, and potentially more. 

Our Mission

To enhance the emotional and spiritual wellbeing of our congregation we will:

  • Reach out to members and friends, emphasizing that they are not alone; there are caring people to turn to in a time of need
  • Provide and facilitate care for members and friends
  • Develop new ways to care for and support our First U community
  • Expand and improve traditional ways of caring 
  • Provide support/training for Caring Team members so they are better equipped to support our First U community
  • Strengthen connections among all in the First U community, honoring each other—our differences, our diversity, and our commonalities

We will have a table at the Coffee Hour on February 9 and 16 where we will be signing up people who are willing to provide “hands on” pragmatic care (rides, meals, light chores, and tech assistance) as well as those who are interested in joining a Congregational Care Team of people willing to visit and reach out to congregants. 

We invite you to join us in this exciting effort and to let us know if there are ways you need assistance that we have not thought of. Come see us at Coffee Hour on February 9 and 16. In the meantime, for more information, contact Rev. Laura at pastoralcare [at] firstuniv or Debbie Easterling.