We Belong, Together.
We are building a community of hope with a joyful, wide embrace.
Join us as we seek to follow where love calls us next.

Sunday Worship
February 9: Redefining Strength, Leadership, and Justice
Sunday, February 9
Two Services: 9 a.m. and 11 a.m.
What does power serve?
Masculinity shapes relationships, communities, and systems of power—for better or worse. Strength is more than force. Leadership is more than control. What does it mean to cultivate a power that protects, restores, and holds integrity at its core?
This service explores evolving models of masculinity, faith’s role in shaping justice-centered leadership, and the rejection of dominance in favor of accountability and care.

Coming up at First Universalist
All In!
February Community Dinner
February Menu: Baked ziti for dinner, grapes and/or popcorn as appetizer
Every second Wednesday of the month, swing by church for a delicious home-cooked meal at 6 p.m. in the Social Hall. After dinner, from 7-8:15 p.m., join a breakout group. See RSVP link for breakout groups for all ages.
All are welcome and there is no charge. All church events are alcohol-free.

Community Wide Invitation
Pancake Breakfast for Trans & Gender Expansive Folx
Join us at a pancake breakfast open to individuals and families with trans and gender expansive identities. This is an opportunity to see how large and varied our community is. Imagine a room filled with transgender and gender expansive adults, youth, and children. We build community by being together.
![Pancake Breakfast for Trans and Gender Expansive Folx Saturday, February 15 [image of a cute stack of pancakes with blueberries and sprinkles on top, in front of a pink, blue and white banner]](https://firstuniversalistchurch.org/wp-content/uploads/2025/01/2-630x355.png)
Latest Updates

The Weekly Liberal, Feb. 6, 2025
February 6, 2025
“The Shape of Justice,” new congregational care team, IDI update, and more!

You Are Not Alone. We Are Holding It Together.
February 6, 2025
A congregational Care Team is being revived—read more and find out how to connect with this ministry.

The IDI Assessment: News and What’s Next
February 6, 2025
Upcoming opportunities to hear about the congregational results of the IDI, and how to sign up for it.