We’re Growing, Together.
Together, we seek to expand our hearts and minds, make a difference in the world, mark important milestones, and explore big questions. We are a supportive, anti-racist, anti-oppressive, multigenerational, radically welcoming religious community.

Children, Youth & Families
Religious Education on Sunday Mornings
On Sunday mornings, children in Kindergarten through 9th grade have the option of attending Religious Education (RE) with their peers during worship. All ages begin worship together and then children and youth are dismissed to their classes. Children of all ages are always welcome to remain in worship with their families.
Senior High Youth Group meets for bagels and sharing between services from 10:30-11:15 a.m. Find more information about our youth groups for Junior and Senior High here.
To see detailed descriptions of the classes for this church year, visit our Religious Education page.
You can register now for Religious Education and all of our 2024-2025 Children, Youth, & Family Ministries.
Contact Allison Connelly-Vetter, Interim Director of Children, Youth, & Family Ministries, with questions or for more information at allison [at] firstuniv.org.
Childcare – 6 months to PreK
Childcare is provided by attentive adult and youth staff during both Sunday morning worship services for children ages 6 months to PreK. We enfold our youngest members in the warmth of our community, encourage their explorations, and share in their joy and wonder. To ensure adequate space and staff to provide a safe and positive experience for all, registration is required.
Our Whole Lives (OWL) Lifespan Sexuality Curriculum
Our Whole Lives (OWL) is a special unit, grounded in UU values, that provides age-appropriate information about gender, babies, bodies, consent, relationships and more. Parents and caregivers learn more about the curriculum and enroll their children (OWLets!) in OWL at a mandatory orientation to the program.
First Universalist is proud to offer multiple levels of OWL for our different ages and stages of life. We offer 1st/2nd grade OWL, 5th/6th grade OWL, 8th grade OWL, Senior High OWL, and Adult OWL.
More information about OWL generally can be found on the UUA website, and more information about each specific level of OWL at First Universalist can be found here.
OWL-specific questions should be directed to Claire Tralle, OWL Program Coordinator: claire [at] firstuniv.org. Claire LOVES emails and connecting, so do not hesitate to reach out!
Youth Groups
We offer two youth groups at First Universalist: one for Junior High youth (grades 7-9) and one for Senior High youth (grades 10-12). These youth groups are opportunities for our young folks to build friendships, do service, engage their spirituality, and have fun together with trained, safe adult leaders.
Saturday Sprouts for Families
Join us on the fourth Saturday of most months (October – April, skipping December) from 10 a.m.-noon for Saturday Sprouts for Families! Church Calendar
Saturday Sprouts is a monthly opportunity for families to build relationships with one another, be energized in community, and explore spirituality and our UU values as a whole family. Saturday Sprouts includes time for snacks and socializing, along with family worship, a parent support group, and childcare for kids.
Children from 6 months through 5th grade are encouraged to join, as are all parents and caregivers (with or without kids in tow).
If you have questions or would like more information about Saturday Sprouts for Families, please email Allison, Interim Director of Children, Youth, & Family Ministries, at allison [at] firstuniv.org.
Seasonal & Annual Events
Some of our programming for children, youth, and families is seasonal or annual. Some of the opportunities you will see this year might include:
- Church sleepovers for families (with kids in grades K-5) and youth (grades 6-12).
- Boston Pilgrimage: 10th graders who have completed Coming of Age make a pilgrimage to Boston to explore our Unitarian Universalist heritage and traditions.
- Christmas Pageant: A beloved annual tradition at First U, children and youth can sign up in November to take part in the Christmas Pageant on December 21.
- Trivia and Talent Show Fundraiser: In May, the Youth Leadership Team plans and leads a Trivia and Talent Show Fundraiser to support our Children, Youth, & Family Ministries.
- Summer Day Camp: Each Summer we offer a weeklong day camp for kids and youth emphasizing play, creativity, being outdoors, building friendships, and exploring our UU values and traditions.
Child Dedication
Child Dedications take place once or twice each year during a Sunday morning worship service.
Child Dedication is a beloved ritual of our congregation and many UU congregations. In Child Dedication, our congregation pledges itself to partner with parents and families in the religious upbringing of their children. We promise to support the family as their child grows.
Child dedication is a community event, honoring an intentional and ongoing relationship between families and our religious community. Children of members and those on the path to membership may be dedicated at First Universalist.
If you have questions or would like more information about Child Dedications, please reach out to Allison Connelly-Vetter, Interim Director of Children, Youth, & Family Ministries, at allison [at] firstuniv.org.
Shared Leadership: Youth & Adults
In addition to paid staff, there are two primary groups which assist in the planning, direction-setting, and leadership for our programs for kids and youth.
- Youth Leadership Team: This is a group of Senior High youth who meet monthly with Senior High Advisors and staff to plan programming, share feedback, and dream for the future. Members of the Youth Leadership Team also serve as youth representatives on our Board of Trustees.
- Children, Youth, & Family Advisory Team: This is a group of adults, including staff, volunteers, parents/caregivers, and congregants, who meet monthly to set the direction of the program, respond to input and feedback, work on large- and small-scale projects, and problem-solve issues which arise in our ministries.
If you are interested in sharing the leadership of our Children, Youth, & Family Ministries, please contact Allison Connelly-Vetter at allison [at] firstuniv.org
We have one of the largest Unitarian Universalist Children, Youth, & Families programs in the country—and that means we need a lot of volunteers!
There are many ways to volunteer with our kids and families at First Universalist. Whether you’re an introvert or extrovert, enjoy older kids or younger kids, have time on weekdays or weekends, have lots of experience with young folks or are brand new to this ministry, there’s a way for you to plug in.
Here are a few ways you could volunteer to support our programs:
- Preparing meals or setting up for events and meetings;
- Leading Sunday morning Religious Education;
- Leading non-Sunday-morning Children, Youth, & Families programs;
- Offering administrative support and encouragement to staff and volunteers;
- Providing childcare outside of our normal Religious Education hours; or
- Helping with special events (like our Christmas Pageant, Fundraiser, Summer Camp, or overnights).
…and more!
If you are interested in volunteering your time and energy in support of our young folks—directly or indirectly, in any of the above ways—please reach out to Allison via email at allison [at] firstuniv.org or by phone or text at 612-405-5643. You will make her day!
Stay Connected!
When you register your family for Religious Education, you will automatically start to receive our Weekly Family E-New and weekly church newsletter. Those two publications will provide you with the best and most detailed information about what’s coming up at First U. You can opt out of receiving them by clicking Unsubscribe at the bottom of any weekly message.
If you or your family are in need of practical support or pastoral care, please call the church at (612) 825-1701 and follow the prompts for “pastoral care.” We are meant to journey in the company of caring community.
Children, Youth & Families Calendar
Stay connected!
When you register your family for Religious Education, you will automatically start to receive our Weekly Family E-News and church newsletter. Those two publications will provide you with the best and most detailed information about what’s coming up at First U. You can opt out of receiving them by clicking Unsubscribe at the bottom of any weekly message.