Water Communion

sermons | 10:00am

Sunday Worship at First U September 2024: Shared Ministry

Join us at 10 a.m., in person or livestreaming.

Coming up this Sunday is our annual Water Communion service, a ritual tradition we share with UUs around the world. The Water Ritual was created by leaders in the UU feminist movement more than four decades ago. Lucile Schuck Longview and Carolyn McDade (also the composer of our beloved song Spirit of Life) made this practice with water (an inclusive symbol of women’s spirituality), to help us all remember how deeply we are each connected to one another, and to all life. 

Water Communion is a very special tradition we celebrate each year at First Universalist. All are welcome, whether it’s your first or fortieth time! Come and be a part of this joyous time whether the waters mingle and set a new year of community on its way. 

We’re having our Water Communion ritual in Sunday worship on September 8th at 10am. We invite you to bring a small bit of water to the sanctuary with you. Some bring a bottle, others a few drops, some bring water they gathered from a special summer memory, others from the kitchen tap. It doesn’t matter how much or where from–all water is beautiful. 

If you can’t collect your own water to bring (or if you forget yours on the counter at home), not to worry. We’ll have pitchers waiting here. We want you to be a part of this important time in our community, where wisdom and joy rush to greet us and show us the way to deeper love. See you there!