What Fills Your Life?

What Fills Your Life?

May 25, 2014
Rev. Elaine Aron Tenbrink

In our culture that prizes busyness, we’re encouraged to work hard, be productive, and fill up our calendars to overflowing. Sometimes, it feels like our worth gets defined by how busy we are.  This morning, we will take a step back and consider what truly lends worth and meaning to our lives.

Theme: Season of Passage

Every May we celebrate and hold the different thresholds of spring.  Some of our youth are leaving our community for work or college.  Others are completing their work in the Coming of Age program and are living into the beliefs and values they have outlined.  Some of us are watching new patterns of church emerge, as we live ever more fully into our mission of giving, receiving and growing.  This time of year, we recognize the season of passage and transitions.  We honor what has come before, know that we stand on the shoulders of those who have come before, and imagine our faith community into the future.

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