Five Star Shelter

Five Star Shelter

June 21, 2015
Rev. Justin Schroeder

Shelter is certainly four walls and a roof. But it is more than that, too. What kind of “shelter” truly allows children, adults and elders to thrive? On this Father Day’s Sunday, we’re explore the kinds of “shelter” that we can offer one another that helps the human spirit survive and thrive.

Summer Worship Theme: Sources

Within the pores, and cracks of the earth fresh water gathers. Sometimes source water rises to the surface on its own accord. Sometimes you have to dig to find it.  In either case, water feeds the body and sustains the soul. So too, sources for our spiritual life act in much the same way, gathering in the pores and cracks of our lives. Sometimes, a source of strength is easy to access. Sometimes you have to dig to find the well of faith that will sustain. This summer we explore sources: sources of faith, love and hope.

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