Building & Safety Policies

COVID-19 Policies & Information

The church has been carefully monitoring guidance from the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) as we make decisions about the policies we are putting in place to mitigate the spread of COVID-19. As the state of the pandemic and guidance and regulations from these bodies change we may update our guidelines and plans accordingly. If you have questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Updated May 15, 2023

The COVID-19 Hospital Admission Level for Hennepin County, as measured by the CDC, is currently LOW, as of the date these policies were last updated. You can check the most current level using the tool at the bottom of the page.

  • Masks are welcome, but not required, in the church building—including the sanctuary—when COVID levels in Hennepin County are Low or Medium.*
  • Masks, including high quality KN95/N95 masks, are available free of charge for anyone who wishes to use one when in the building.
  • Creating an intentionally inclusive space where masking is respected and welcomed without question is all of our responsibility.
  • If you are joining us in person, we expect that everyone who is able/eligible has been vaccinated against COVID-19.
  • If you are not feeling well or experiencing any symptoms of COVID-19, or if you have been notified of a recent exposure to a confirmed positive case of COVID, we ask that you please stay home—and join us for worship online (or participate in your group/class/event online if that option is available).
  • We continue to offer online and multi-platform opportunities for spiritual growth, and will continue to focus resources on further strengthening our online and multi-platform community.
  • We will work with congregants and families on an individual basis to address health and accessibility concerns, and to find creative ways to care for each other and connect. Please reach out to Rev. Ashley Harness to brainstorm together.
  • *When Covid levels in Hennepin County are High, masks are required for everyone ages 2 and up throughout the whole church (accommodation will be made for those unable to tolerate a face covering due to health condition, disability, or behavioral or developmental condition.)

Effective date: August 1, 2021

In order to ensure a safe environment for members, visitors, and employees, First Universalist Church of Minneapolis prohibits the wearing, transporting, storage, or presence of firearms or other dangerous weapons (as defined below) in our facility, which includes all buildings, grounds, parking lots and child play areas.

Any employee in possession of a firearm or other weapon while on our facilities or while otherwise fulfilling job responsibilities may face disciplinary action including termination. A visitor or member who violates this policy will be asked to leave the property and may be required to sign on to a limited access agreement and/or behavioral covenant before returning. Possession of a valid concealed weapons permit authorized by the State of Minnesota is not an exemption under this policy.


Firearms or other dangerous weapons include but are not limited to:

  • Any device from which a projectile may be fired by an explosive
  • Any simulated firearm operated by gas or compressed air
  • Metal knuckles
  • Any spring blade knife*
  • Any knife which opens or is ejected open by an outward, downward thrust or movement
  • Any instrument that can be used as a club and poses a reasonable risk of injury
  • Other instruments or objects acquired, transported, or used to cause or threaten injury


This policy does not apply to any law enforcement, security, or military personnel engaged in official duties.


Staff, ushers, greeters, or Board members will request anyone found in possession of a firearm or any of the abovementioned dangerous weapons to remove it from the facility and will notify local law enforcement authorities if assistance is needed.

All staff, Board Members, ushers, greeters, and members will be made aware of this policy, and it is permanently posted on our website.


Adapted with gratitude from the Weapons Policy of the First Unitarian Universalist Society of Wilmington, DE.

*note: small pocket knives are an exception, but may not be used to cause or threaten injury.