Sunday, March 2 at 1 p.m. (Zoom option added!): Hear About Our First U IDI Profile

News –

Updates and News about the IDI - Intercultural Development Inventory at First Universalist The IDI Assessment measures cultural competency. First U congregants are invited to take the assessment. The results will be shared in aggregate with the congregation. Individuals are invited to receive their personal results.

The Intercultural Development Inventory (IDI) measures cultural competency. Over the last couple of months, First U staff and congregants have been invited to take the IDI. We’ll have the aggregated results of those assessments soon and we are looking forward to sharing them with all of you. (Individuals who took the IDI will need to attend one of the results sessions—or watch the recording—in order to have a one-to-one meeting with a trained IDI facilitator for their personal results.)

We are offering three opportunities to review our Congregation’s Results in March (you need only attend one session):

  1. Sunday, March 2, 1 pm in the Library.  We hope you can join us for this session either in-person or on Zoom. No RSVP necessary. JOIN ON ZOOM HERE
  2. Wednesday, March 12 as a Community Dinner breakout group. RSVP here for the Community Dinner.
  3. We will record one of the sessions in March and make it available for those unable to attend. Stay tuned for a link to the recording.