Religious Education

Together, we seek to expand our hearts and minds, make a difference in the world, mark important milestones, and explore big questions. We are a supportive, anti-racist, anti-oppressive, multigenerational, radically welcoming religious community.
Many Ways into Community for Families, Youth, and Children
During the “church year” (mid-September through May), Religious Education (RE) for children in Kindergarten through 9th grade, and childcare for the littlest ones, is offered most Sundays. Children and youth (except for 8th grade OWLets) start their morning at church in worship with the congregation and then are dismissed to their age-specific programming partway through.
One Sunday each month (generally the 3rd Sunday of every month) is “Ritual Sunday,” with multigenerational worship serving as our Religious Education for the day. On those Sundays, children and youth are invited to join their families and friends in worship at either the 9 or 11 a.m. service.
First Universalist Church has one of the largest and most robust Religious Education programs among Unitarian Universalist congregations in the United States, and we are proud of our welcoming, inclusive, vibrant programming that serves families and nurtures children and youth with joy and care.
Our RE classes are broken out by age (see dropdown menus below for more details), offering children and youth an opportunity to build deep and meaningful relationships with their peers, while also enjoying opportunities on Sundays and throughout the year to be in multigenerational community with folks younger and older than them.
We welcome and have created space for your family, and we are always looking at new ways to make First U accessible and welcoming to people of all ages. If you have questions or hopes for your child’s ability to participate in our programming, please reach out directly to Allison Connelly-Vetter, our Interim Director of Children, Youth, & Families Ministries at allison [at]
Religious Education Classes
Childcare is provided by attentive adult and youth staff during both Sunday morning worship services for children ages 6 months to PreK. We enfold our youngest members in the warmth of our community, encourage their explorations, and share in their joy and wonder. To ensure adequate space and staff to provide a safe and positive experience for all, registration is required.
Theme: UU Values
On Sundays with Religious Education classes, children in Kindergarten through 5th grade transition from the Sanctuary to the Cummins Room together for “Children’s Chapel.” In Children’s Chapel the theme for the day is introduced with a story, song, or discussion.
After Children’s Chapel, the group divides into three age-based classrooms: one for Kindergarteners & 1st graders, another for 2nd & 3rd graders, and one for 4th & 5th graders. In these classrooms the children explore the day’s theme more in-depth in age-appropriate lessons which include activities, games, arts and crafts, movement, and conversation. Each lesson includes a movement activity and an “icebreaker” or connection activity designed to facilitate friendships between the children.
The themes and lessons for our Kindergarten-5th grade Religious Education are based on our First Universalist Visionary Goals, passed by congregational vote in January 2024, and the Unitarian Universalist Association’s Article II Values, approved at the UUA General Assembly in Summer 2024.
Our Kindergarten-5th Grade Religious Education program – including Children’s Chapel – is led by trained youth staff in grades 9-12 along with trained adult volunteers, who operate in teams of four to ensure two adults are present in each classroom each Sunday.
Our Whole Lives – optional for 1st/2nd graders
Our Whole Lives (OWL) is a special unit of seven lessons, grounded in UU values, that provide age-appropriate information about birth, babies, bodies and families. Parents and caregivers learn more about the curriculum and enroll their 1st or 2nd graders in OWL at a mandatory orientation to the program. The 1st grade class will run from October-December. (More information will be provided to all registered 1st and 2nd grade families in September)
More information can be found on the First Universalist OWL web page.
Our Whole Lives – optional for 5th/6th graders
Nine weeks are devoted to a special unit as 5th graders explore lessons from the age-appropriate Our Whole Lives (OWL) sexuality curriculum, taught by trained facilitators. Before each Sunday morning session, children have homework to read with caring adults at home. Parents and caregivers learn more about the lesson content and enroll their 5th or 6th graders in OWL at a mandatory orientation to the program. The classes will run from January-April. (More information will be provided to all registered 5th & 6th grade families in November.)
More information can be found on the First Universalist OWL web page.
Taking Our Places & Rites of Passage
Taking Our Places (September-December) teaches 6th graders about the ministries of First Universalist — including hospitality, worship, pastoral care, faithful action, and spiritual growth — and gives them the chance to serve their church community in one of these areas.
Rites of Passage (January-May) includes lessons to help 6th graders navigate change with grace and confidence, remaining true to their values, leaning into the love of their families, expressing their authentic selves, and accepting new responsibilities and privileges at home and in the larger world. As they complete their elementary Religious Education years, Rites of Passage youth review the history and core values of Unitarian Universalism to ensure a solid foundation as they enter First U’s Youth Program. The unit closes with a Rites of Passage ritual for participants and their families.
Neighboring Faiths
Seventh graders take a year-long journey in Neighboring Faiths, a world religions program to deepen their understanding of the dynamic, fascinating, and varied world in which we live. It seeks to broaden their knowledge of humanity and embolden their spiritual search. Participants are encouraged to explore the intersection of race, culture, class and religion, and to develop an appreciative outlook toward other faiths and the people who follow them. Lessons lovingly and reverently examine the most-practiced religious traditions of our neighbors, and are paired with visits to ten nearby faith communities and sacred sites throughout the year.
7th graders are also encouraged to participate in our Junior High Youth Group (for youth in grades 7-9). Details below.
Junior High Youth Group
Youth in grades 7-9 are invited to join our Junior High Youth Group, which meets once a month from 7-8:15 p.m. on the second Wednesday of the month after Community Dinners. Junior High Youth Group is led by trained adult volunteer Dallas Rising, Dylan Bijnagte, Sherry Merriam, and Michael Merriam, and supported by Allison Connelly-Vetter. These gatherings include time for checking in, playing games, learning new skills, service projects, fun activities, and exploring the big questions of life, all while deepening relationships with peers. There is no membership requirement or Sunday morning attendance requirement. Bring a friend or a neighbor—all are welcome!
Please email Allison (allison [at] with any questions, suggestions, or to express your excitement regarding Junior High Youth Group.
Our Whole Lives Sexuality (OWL)
The year-long Our Whole Lives (OWL) curriculum for middle schoolers helps our 8th graders make informed and responsible decisions about their sexual health and behavior. It equips participants with accurate, age-appropriate information in six subject areas: human development, relationships, personal skills, sexual behavior, sexual health, and society and culture. Grounded in a holistic view of sexuality, Our Whole Lives not only provides facts about anatomy and human development, but also helps participants clarify their values, build interpersonal skills, and understand the spiritual, emotional, and social aspects of sexuality.
Parents and caregivers attend a mandatory orientation in early September. In order to create a safe environment and to allow learning to build through the year, youth must be enrolled in Fall in order to attend OWL classes. Eighth graders who start mid-year are placed in the Neighboring Faiths class.
More information can be found on the First Universalist OWL page.
8th graders are also encouraged to participate in our Junior High Youth Group (for youth in grades 7-9). Details below.
Junior High Youth Group
Youth in grades 7-9 are invited to join our Junior High Youth Group, which meets once a month from 7-8:15 p.m. on the second Wednesday of the month after Community Dinners. Junior High Youth Group is led by trained adult volunteer Dallas Rising, Dylan Bijnagte, Sherry Merriam, and Michael Merriam, and supported by Allison Connelly-Vetter. These gatherings include time for checking in, playing games, learning new skills, service projects, fun activities, and exploring the big questions of life, all while deepening relationships with peers. There is no membership requirement or Sunday morning attendance requirement. Bring a friend or a neighbor—all are welcome!
Please email Allison (allison [at] with any questions, suggestions, or to express your excitement regarding Junior High Youth Group.
Coming of Age
9th graders participate in a capstone Religious Education class common in UU churches, called Coming of Age (COA). Together, they build a religious community to hold their deep dive into core theological questions, exploring their beliefs about what gives life meaning, what they value and trust, what a “good” life looks like, and who they are called to be in the world. A variety of experiences — from retreats to workshops, from group discussions to conversations with mentors and ministers — are designed to help our young people name and claim their values and religious identities. The year culminates with a celebratory worship service in which our COA youth share their personal reflections with the congregation.
Coming of Age meets during the 9 a.m. service only.
9th graders are also encouraged to participate in our Junior High Youth Group (for youth in grades 7-9). Details below.
Junior High Youth Group
Youth in grades 7-9 are invited to join our Junior High Youth Group, which meets once a month from 7-8:15 p.m. on the second Wednesday of the month after Community Dinners. Junior High Youth Group is led by trained adult volunteer Dallas Rising, Dylan Bijnagte, Sherry Merriam, and Michael Merriam, and supported by Allison Connelly-Vetter. These gatherings include time for checking in, playing games, learning new skills, service projects, fun activities, and exploring the big questions of life, all while deepening relationships with peers. There is no membership requirement or Sunday morning attendance requirement. Bring a friend or a neighbor—all are welcome!
Please email Allison (allison [at] with any questions, suggestions, or to express your excitement regarding Junior High Youth Group.
Senior High Youth Group
The Senior High Youth Group has three main touchpoints:
- Sunday mornings, 10:30-11:15 a.m.: gather for snacks, brief announcements, and sharing our Rose, Bud, & Thorn (RBT) between services.
- Monthly, 7-8:15 p.m. every second Wednesday (September-April, skipping December): gather after Community Dinners for extended time to build community. Activities include arts and crafts, baking, walking the labyrinth, service projects, games, sharing, and discussion.
- One additional time each month: These gatherings will be scheduled on a month-to-month basis and will be planned by the Youth Leadership Team based on feedback and input from the Senior High Youth Group. These will be times for socialization, play, and fun.
Please email Tami Eshult, our Senior High Team Lead and part-time staff member, at Tami [at] with any questions regarding Senior High Youth Group.
Optional – Senior High OWL
Senior High OWL meets from January through March. While this class follows the OWL curriculum, grounded in UU values, the class topics are determined each year by the group of senior high youth. This opt-in class equips participants with information they will need after they graduate high school including: healthy relationships, sexual health, sexual behaviors, identity, and more. We seek to understand the intersection of our values with real-world scenarios.
Parents and caregivers of minor youth attend a required orientation prior to class starting. Parents and caregivers of youth over the age of 18 are highly encouraged to attend the orientation.