
Are you looking for ways to deepen your connections and help shape our shared future as a community? No matter your particular gifts and skills, there’s place for you. Maybe one of the committees or organizations below would offer you the opportunities you’re seeking. Please fill out our volunteer engagement form and we’ll be in touch personally to help you discern your next steps. 

You’ll also want to subscribe to our weekly newsletter, where there are always new invitations to engage, serve, and connect in community. 

Everyone can give care, and everyone needs care.

Here a few concrete ways you can give, receive and grow with care at First Universalist Church:

Care Companions

Care Companions are members of the congregation who’ve been oriented toward the art and practice listening with a caring and confidential ear, and a loving and kind heart. We call and check in on folks in the congregation and are here to accompany you longer term if you’re living with a chronic illness or could use some ongoing support.

Holding it Together [NEED BREEZE FORM – ARIF]

Each week, individuals and families who are going through a life transition, experiencing a joy, or a time of difficulty, are included in our Cycle of Life meditation during worship.

Provide Meals

Join the team of people who help to cook for and deliver meals to folks in the congregation. This is an “as available” opportunity. You’ll receive an email in your inbox letting you know that there’s a request, and if you can help fill it, you sign up. Easy, flexible, and deeply meaningful.

Help with Memorial Services

Memorial services are larger and more complicated undertakings than you might imagine, and at First Universalist, they happen with an exceptional level of care, compassion, and kindness via the ministry of congregants who make up our Memorial Service Team. Working with one of our ministers, Memorial Service Team members help with all of the “behind the scenes” aspects of services, including ushering and greeting, helping families coordinate food for receptions, and supporting families in setting up photo and flower displays in the sanctuary and social hall. There are many roles available and the schedule is flexible and based on your availability, so if you think this might be a role for you, reach out and let us know.

Do You Knit or Crochet?

Help extend the care of the congregation by knitting and crocheting “comfort shawls” that are given to congregants who’re experiencing a challenging time. These are often taken by minister or other members of the care team to church members in hospital, recovering from illness at home, or congregants who’ve entered hospice. It is a tangible way the church wraps people in love, and an important way we demonstrate that none of us is ever alone.


The church has a limited capacity to help with rides. Often, this means seeking to connect the person needing a ride with members who live in their neighborhood and are able to help with rides on an occasional or ongoing basis. The church generally needs at least one week’s notice in order to provide support with rides. For more urgent matters, the church can provide limited support with taxis and/or other on-demand transportation options.