Committees & Teams
First Universalist Church is supported by, and made possible by, the faithful and committed work of congregational leadership.
Congregational leaders at First Universalist work closely with ministers and staff on virtually every aspect of church life. Together, we bring enormous expertise, talents, skills, and commitment to the day-to-day and long-term work of building a beloved community.
This is a group of adults, including staff, volunteers, parents/caregivers, and congregants, who meet monthly to set the direction of the program, respond to input and feedback, work on large- and small-scale projects, and problem-solve issues which arise in our ministries.
The Finance Committee’s purpose is “to assist the Board in carrying out its fiduciary responsibility to ensure the financial health of the organization, and to assist in informing the congregation of financial aspects of the church’s ministry and the financial state of the church.” The Finance Committee meets monthly (except July and August).
The Committee’s activities include:
- Regular review of financial performance
- Work with ministers and staff to draft annual budget and present the budget for congregational approval
- Review, revise, and monitor compliance with financial policies
- Monitor performance of church investments
- Recommend audit procedures and review audit results
Dan Berg
Marc Gorelick – Board Treasurer and Finance Committee Chair
Will Hegeman – Stewardship Team liaison
Julie Most
Dick Niemiec
Cameron Smither
The Nominating Committee is a committee established in the Bylaws. The Nominating Committee shall continuously seek persons whom it determines are willing and able to serve the Church. The Nominating Committee shall nominate Members to each office to be filled at each Annual Meeting. They encourage self nominations for the elected positions of the church – Board of Trustees, Foundation and Nominating Committee. This Committee welcomes conversation throughout the year as people consider ways they may be of service to First Universalist. Service is a way to deepen one’s relationship with the church and the church community and the Nominating Committee appreciates the opportunity to help make that happen.
David Bach
Evelyn Browne
Sandy Culpepper
Ray Dillon
Katie Fox
Chad Johnson
The Planned Giving Committee encourages members and friends of the congregation to include the Church in a will or estate plan. To give a legacy gift to the church, contact a minister or the financial administrator, or learn more about Planned Giving.
SPIFF seeks to make our church building attractive, welcoming, functional, and adaptable in meeting the needs of the many people and groups who use it. SPIFF helps church staff evaluate possible changes and improvements to our building and assure its ongoing maintenance. SPIFF’s recommendations are shaped by aesthetic, practical, and environmental considerations. SPIFF generally meets on the first Wednesday of each month at 12:30 p.m.
Bette DeMars
Kristen Mengelkoch
Lynne Stanley (Chair)
Emily Bijnagte
Will Hegeman (Co-chair)
Tom Saterstrom
Velma Wagner
Emily Wallace (Co-chair)
Revs. Arif and Ashley are also an integral part of the team.
The Visual Arts Committee is comprised of individuals interested in enhancing the beauty of our church in ways such as:
- Arranging flowers for Sunday services
- Selecting and hanging art exhibits
- Coordinating banners
- Decorating for special events
- Developing winter holiday decor
- Creating artificial arrangements for areas throughout the church
- Arranging an exterior planter
- Consulting with groups who are interested in creating visual aspects for the church
Over the years, the building has been enhanced through projects developed by the Visual Arts Committee. The Committee commissioned artists to create the oak leaf memorial triptych and the UU and flame. Ongoing art exhibits have offered local artists and congregants an opportunity to share their talent with the church community. Each holiday season, Visual Arts Committee members join together to create unique decorations to celebrate the season—the Committee’s yearly gift to the congregation.
Visual Arts Committee contacts
To get involved: Contact Membership Chair Cheryl Anderson
To discuss art exhibits: Contact Exhibit Chair Bette DeMars
To donate flowers for Sunday services: Contact Flower Chair Marjie Smith
The Youth Leadership Team Covenant (created August 2024):
We center love in all we say and do
- Respect each other’s opinions and be open to new ways of doing things, and ideas
- Healthy and transparent conflict navigation: being an advocate for youth and finding other adults as advocates for self and others
- Weaving a strong safety net for grounding and support
- We make space to learn and grow; honor each other’s humanness
- Sharing with mutual consent while holding healthy boundaries