What Guides You in the Borders?

What Guides You in the Borders?

November 22, 2015
Rev. Justin Schroeder

No matter the border you cross (spiritual, physical, emotional), it helps to have a beacon – a star, a person, a light, a mantra – something to guide you through the new and unfamiliar terrain. This year, we are once again inviting the entire congregation to “opt-out” and move away from the “religion of consumption” during the Holidays, and to reduce our Holiday spending by 50%, so that we can raise $70,000 to support Beacon Interfaith Housing Collaborative, and the youth, families, and formerly incarcerated people they seek to house. Make no mistake about it, redirecting our financial and emotional energy in this way is a kind of border-crossing. What beacons guide us in this crossing into a new way of being?

View the November 22 Order of Service.

Offering Recipient: Beacon Interfaith Housing Collaborative. Can’t make it to the service? Donate here.

Listen to the Call to Worship and the Sermon:

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