In the Boat Together

In the Boat Together

July 22, 2018
Rev. Ruth MacKenzie

​In most ​Danish churches, a model of a​ ​sailing ship hangs ​suspended​ from the ceiling​ somewhere above the congregation.​​ The boat shifts ​and sways ​​with the breath of ​those gathered, reminding ​everyone who enters and worships ​that we are meant to sail together. This Sunday, we explore our emerging understanding of community, not simply as a group of like-minded people, but as a covenantal community, tapping into something larger than our individual wants or longings. We will explore the question: What would it mean to be in the boat together, particularly using our racial justice commitment as our nautical compass?

Please join us for worship at 10 a.m. on Sunday, July 22. Rev. Ruth MacKenzie will be preaching.

Order of Service:  July 22 Order of Service

Sunday Service Podcast:

Offering Recipient: Ready Set Smile (give here)

Summer Worship Theme: Emergence
We humans look at a flock of birds flying overhead, sketching awe-inspiring designs in the sky, and think the birds must be following a leader. But leadership alone has never been the full measure of history nor the full inspiration of the beauty and patterns that emerge from a community of birds in flight. In fact, the patterns we see in the sky are made by each individual bird bringing to the group its own creativity and reacting to the movement of two or three of its neighbors. It is a dance between freedom and faithful followship. Our work in community, our efforts in justice making, and patterns of right relationship emerge in the same dance between freedom (our own creativity) and faithful following (our commitment to our neighbors, community). Together we create patterns of love and justice. This summer we ask: what makes something emerge? How and when do we lead? How and when do we follow? Where and how do we place our attention? What is emerging?

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