Board of Trustees

Governing Board of First Universalist
First Universalist Church of Minneapolis is governed by a nine-member Board of Trustees. Board members are elected by a vote of the congregation and serve three-year terms. They have the ultimate fiduciary and policy-making authority for the church with the exception of calling ministers and approving the annual budget. The responsibilities of the Board are specified by the Church Bylaws.
The Board of Trustees holds meetings on the third Thursday of each month, August through June, at 6:30 p.m. Members and friends are welcome to attend. View monthly board meeting materials.
Each year, nominees for election to vacant positions on the Board of Trustees are presented to the congregation by the Nominating Committee. This committee is a group of members elected for three-year terms by the congregation at the Annual Meeting each year.
The Annual Congregational Meeting brings members together at the end of the church year, in early June, to vote on the budget and elect new representatives to the Board of Trustees, First Universalist Foundation Board, and the Nominating Committee.
View the Church Calendar for upcoming board meeting and events.
Governing Documents
Church Bylaws (approved June 2018)
Governing Policies Handbook (updated March 2017)
Previous Annual Reports
2022-2023 | 2021-2022 | 2020-2021 | 2019-2020 | 2018-2019 | 2017-2018 |2016-2017 | 2015-2016