
Dreaming in the Dark- in person at 9 & 11 a.m.; online at 11 a.m.

December 18, 2022
Dr. Glen Thomas Rideout, Franco Holder, Lóre Stevens, Rev. Arif Mamdani, Rev. Jen Crow

As we approach the longest nights of the year and the beginning of Hanukkah, we’ll explore the wonders that take place in the dark. Perhaps it is in our dreaming, in those times when the limitations that so often diminish our imagination drop away, that we can find healing and hope. Join us on Sunday as we claim our space in this darkest time of the year and trust in the generative power of our dreams. Join us for worship this Sunday, December 18.

ORDER OF SERVICE: available as a google doc and on this page (screen reader & mobile friendly version) by Friday.

OFFERING: Give via our online giving portal, or CashApp. Make sure to designate that it’s for the “Offering Plate” fund.

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The Ocean in One Drop- in person at 9 & 11 a.m., online at 11 a.m.

December 11, 2022
Dr. Glen Thomas Rideout, Franco Holder, Lena K. Gardner, Rev. Ashley Harness

The everyday work of world change takes trust, patience, and faith. The individual steps it takes to progress a vision can look mighty different, more complex, smaller, even frustrating at times. It can be hard to see sometimes how what we’re doing even makes a difference in the world. Yet, this diligent faith is the very dream in action. 

This Sunday, December 11, Lena K Gardner talks with Dr. Glen Thomas Rideout about the bold work of BLUU (Black Lives of Unitarian Universalism). Come to worship this week with your heart wide open to sing, to learn, and to learn how our hands can help the dream.

ORDER OF SERVICE: available as a google doc and on this page (screen reader & mobile friendly version) by Friday.

OFFERING: Give via our online giving portal, or CashApp. Make sure to designate that it’s for the “Offering Plate” fund.

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Waiting for the Coming Dreams (in person at 9 & 11 a.m., online at 11 a.m.)

December 04, 2022
Franco Holder, Rev. Arif Mamdani, Rev. Jen Crow

Winter is a time of turning inward, a time where the nights are longer and so too is our time for dreaming.

December is a month in which we experience ever shorter days, the longest night, and then the turning toward the long days of summer again. It is also a month in which some amongst us share stories about a light that held out against hope and others tell of the coming of a singular light to the world.

As we begin this time of beginnings, as we enter this month of waiting, of dreaming, of telling stories and remembering in our bones the turning of the earth, the turning of the seasons, and the turning of our tradition, we gather on Sunday to start at the beginning. We’ll revisit beginnings, wonder about what came before the beginning, where we’re situated in the line of beginnings and endings, and incline our hearts toward what we hear when we’re dreaming in the dark.

Join us this Sunday, Dec. 4, as we begin exploring our December worship theme, “Dreaming in the Dark.”

ORDER OF SERVICE: available as a google doc or on this page (screen reader & mobile friendly version)

OFFERING: Give via our online giving portal, or CashApp. Make sure to designate that it’s for the “Offering Plate” fund.

A Place to Start – in person, immediately after both services (option to zoom in after second service on the first Sunday of the month)

Facilitated by one of our members, A Place to Start is a brief, casual orientation to Unitarian Universalism and First Universalist Church. During this 40-minute class, participants will learn about the foundations of our faith tradition and opportunities to get involved. The facilitator will be holding a “Here is A Place to Start” sign at the front of the sanctuary after the worship services. We look forward to welcoming you!

We host A Place to Start every first and third Sundays of the month, immediately after both worship services. If you can’t attend but want to learn more, please fill out the Visitor Connect form so we can connect with you! Thank you!

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One in Gratitude (in person at 9 & 11 a.m.; online at 11 a.m.)

November 27, 2022
Dr. Glen Thomas Rideout, Franco Holder, Rev. Jen Crow

On this multigenerational Sunday, our shared attention will turn to the Haudenosaunee Thanksgiving Address, a practice created and shared by the indigenous people of the Turtle Clan, Wolf Clan, and Mohawk tribe. This practice invites us to begin and end our days with gratitude, and together we will experiment and wonder about how we might choose to begin and end our days, and how we and our relationships might be changed by our practices.

ORDER OF SERVICE: available as a google doc and on this page (screen reader & mobile friendly version) by Friday.

OFFERING: Give via our online giving portal, or CashApp. Make sure to designate that it’s for the “Offering Plate” fund.

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Becoming Together: Child Dedication Sunday (in person at 9 & 11 a.m.; online at 11 a.m.)

November 20, 2022
Dr. Glen Thomas Rideout, Lauren Wyeth, Rev. Ashley Harness

This Sunday, Nov. 20, we will celebrate the miracle that is at the center of our larger story and the cycle of life. We will welcome, name, and dedicate ourselves to the care of children in our congregation through a Child Dedication Ritual. Together we will discern and practice the spiritual work of committing ourselves to the care of our youngest and making room for the people they will become over the course their lives. Join us at 9 or 11 a.m. in person, or online at 11 a.m.

ORDER OF SERVICE: available as a google doc and on this page (screen reader & mobile friendly version) by Friday.

OFFERING: Give via our online giving portal, or CashApp. Make sure to designate that it’s for the “Offering Plate” fund.

A Place to Start – in person, immediately after both services
(Every first and third Sundays of the month, immediately after both worship services. Option to zoom in after second service on the first Sunday of the month, next on Dec. 4)

Facilitated by one of our members, A Place to Start is a brief, casual orientation to Unitarian Universalism and First Universalist Church. During this 40-minute class, participants will learn about the foundations of our faith tradition and opportunities to get involved. The facilitator will be holding a “Here is A Place to Start” sign at the front of the sanctuary after the worship services. We look forward to welcoming you!

If you attend, or if you’d like us to get in touch with you, please fill out the Visitor Connect form so we can follow up with you! Thank you!

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The Company We Keep- in person at 9 and 11 a.m., online at 11 a.m.

November 13, 2022
Daryn Woodson, Dr. Glen Thomas Rideout, Franco Holder, Liz Farmer, Rev. Jen Crow

We are members of many things: families, gyms, affinity groups, and faith communities. Our culture likes us to think of “membership” as an administrative task: a series of tasks that lead us to checking off a box. This Sunday, November 13, we welcome and celebrate the commitment of our newest members of First Universalist, and invite you into reflecting on- and participating in!- membership as a creative, relational process, one in which we change and by which we are changed by the company we keep.

ORDER OF SERVICE: available as a google doc and on this page (screen reader & mobile friendly version) by Friday.

OFFERING: Give via our online giving portal, or CashApp. Make sure to designate that it’s for the “Offering Plate” fund.

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The Practice of Giving and Receiving – in person at 9 & 11 a.m.; online at 11 a.m.

November 06, 2022
Aimee K. Bryant, Dr. Glen Thomas Rideout, Franco Holder, Rev. Arif Mamdani, Rev. Ashley Harness

This Sunday, November 6, we open the theme of “Giving, Receiving (as love shows us how).” We’ll enter the theme through the Tonglen practice, a Buddhist practice that invites us to open our hearts and spirits to giving and receiving and in doing so, soften our hearts and live more deeply into the experience of our interdependence. Drawing on the work of rev. angel Kyodo Williams and Lama Rod Owens, we’ll have time for practice, song, and reflection as love leads the way.

ORDER OF SERVICE: available as a google doc and on this page (screen reader & mobile friendly version) by Friday.

OFFERING: Give via our online giving portal, or CashApp. Make sure to designate that it’s for the “Offering Plate” fund.

A Place to Start – in person, immediately after the services, with an option to join via zoom after second service (around noon) on the first Sunday of the month.

Facilitated by one of our members, A Place to Start is a brief, casual orientation to Unitarian Universalism and First Universalist Church. During this 40-minute class, participants will learn about the foundations of our faith tradition and opportunities to get involved. If you attend, please fill out the Visitor Connect form so we can follow up with you! Thank you!

We host A Place to Start every first and third Sundays of the month, immediately after both worship services. The facilitator will be holding a “Here is A Place to Start” sign at the front of the sanctuary after the worship services. We look forward to welcoming you!

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Drawing the Circle- in person at 9 & 11 a.m., online at 11 a.m.

October 30, 2022
Dr. Glen Thomas Rideout, Rev. Arif Mamdani, Rev. Ashley Harness, Rev. Jen Crow

As our monthly worship theme of “You Can Count On This,” comes to a close this week, we’ll turn our attention to the practices of Universalism. Our faith tradition claims a love so strong it will not let any one of us go and a circle so wide that everyone is included, but how do we put that faith into practice in our lives, our congregations, and our communities? You can count on this: the spiritual practices of our faith may not be easy, but they are liberating and life-giving. Join us this Sunday, October 30 as we continue to explore this month’s worship theme, You Can Count on This.

ORDER OF SERVICE: available as a google doc and on this page (screen reader & mobile friendly version) by Friday.

OFFERING: Give via our online giving portal, or CashApp. Make sure to designate that it’s for the “Offering Plate” fund.

Join us in person at 9 and 11 a.m.

We gather for two identical services at 9 and 11 a.m. on Sundays. Masks are required indoors. Read our COVID policies for gathering here. Find information about childcare and Sunday morning options for children up to age 12 here.

Join us online at 11 a.m.

Watch the livestream on Zoom or YouTube Live. The recording is available for on-demand streaming on our YouTube channel immediately after the service ends.
Zoom webinar ID: 861 805 984

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The River of Stars (in person at 9 & 11 a.m., online at 11 a.m.)

October 23, 2022
Dr. Glen Thomas Rideout, Franco Holder, Lóre Stevens, Rev. Ashley Harness

As we continue exploring our monthly theme, “You Can Count on This,” we move from heart, body, and mind to…space? Many may wonder how the vast field of galaxies can be counted on. But our ancestors have always traced stories onto constellations. Humanity navigated dangerous waters using those reliable but distant stars. During our own times of loss and alienation, how can the mysterious, interdependent universe provide solace and hope? Join us this Sunday, October 23.

ORDER OF SERVICE: available as a google doc and on this page (screen reader & mobile friendly version) by Friday.

OFFERING: Give via our online giving portal, or CashApp. Make sure to designate that it’s for the “Offering Plate” fund.

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Mental Health Sunday (worship in person at 9 and 11 a.m.; online at 11 a.m.)

October 16, 2022
Dr. Glen Thomas Rideout, Franco Holder, Rev. Arif Mamdani, Rev. Ashley Harness

This Sunday, October 16 is Mental Health Sunday, a service where we commit ourselves to creating a world where struggles with mental health are normalized and where seeking mental health care is destigmatized. Through word, song, and ritual we will make visible these commitments of our hearts, bodies, and minds, knowing that mental health care is something we all need access to, and that while not all illness can be cured, in community, we all can find healing.

ORDER OF SERVICE: available as a google doc and on this page (screen reader & mobile friendly version) by Friday.

OFFERING: Give via our online giving portal, or CashApp. Make sure to designate that it’s for the “Offering Plate” fund.

A Place to Start – in person, immediately after the services

Facilitated by one of our members, A Place to Start is a brief, casual orientation to Unitarian Universalism and First Universalist Church. During this 40-minute class, participants will learn about the foundations of our faith tradition and opportunities to get involved. If you attend, please fill out the Visitor Connect form so we can follow up with you! Thank you!

We host A Place to Start every first and third Sunday of the month, immediately after both worship services. The facilitator will be holding a “Here is A Place to Start” sign at the front of the sanctuary after the worship services. We look forward to welcoming you!

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