
Embodying Belovedness: in person at 9 & 11 a.m.; online at 11 a.m.

February 26, 2023
Franco Holder, Rev. Arif Mamdani, Rev. Ashley Harness

This Sunday, February 26, we close our February worship series on “Commitment” with a focus on what our bodies have to teach us. We will commit to practicing embodying our original Belovedness and also sit with the inevitable vulnerability of bodies– our own and each others’. As a part of these practices, we will also honor the anniversary of Trayvon Martin’s death and the founding of the Movement for Black Lives. Please join us for worship this Sunday. 

ORDER OF SERVICE: available as a google doc and on this page (screen reader & mobile friendly version) by Friday.

OFFERING: Give via our online giving portal, or CashApp. Make sure to designate that it’s for the “Offering Plate” fund.

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“Universal-ish” (in person at 9 & 11 a.m.; online at 11 a.m.)

February 19, 2023
Dr. Glen Thomas Rideout, Lóre Stevens

You may or may not know that there have been multiple flavors of Universalism, some with caveats or some that were questionable. We can learn a lot about our own flavors of Universalism through the stories from our spiritual ancestors. As First U decides who we become next, it can be helpful to reflect on who we have been. Join us this Sunday for a taste test of vintage Universalisms.

ORDER OF SERVICE: available as a google doc and on this page (screen reader & mobile friendly version) by Friday.

OFFERING: Give via our online giving portal, or CashApp. Make sure to designate that it’s for the “Offering Plate” fund.

A Place to Start – in person, immediately after both services

Facilitated by one of our members, A Place to Start is a brief, casual orientation to Unitarian Universalism and First Universalist Church. During this 40-minute class, participants will learn about the foundations of our faith tradition and opportunities to get involved. If you attend, please fill out the Visitor Connect form so we can follow up with you. Thank you!

We host A Place to Start every first and third Sundays of the month, immediately after both worship services. The facilitator will be holding a green “Here is A Place to Start” sign at the front of the sanctuary after the worship services. We look forward to welcoming you!

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“Are We Sleeping Through a Revolution?” (in person at 9 & 11 a.m.; online at 11 a.m.)

February 12, 2023
Dr. Glen Thomas Rideout, Franco Holder, Rev. Arif Mamdani, Rev. Ashley Harness

Multiple choice question:

Who said: “The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice”?

  1. Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
  2. Theodore Parker
  3. None of the above

Join us this Sunday morning to learn the answer, not just for this question but more so for what these ministers and theologians had to say to Unitarians and Universalists in the past, and what their words say to us today. In particular, how do their words point us toward two essential movements in our spiritual and religious lives and what do they call us to today?

ORDER OF SERVICE: available as a google doc and on this page (screen reader & mobile friendly version) by Friday.

OFFERING: Give via our online giving portal, or CashApp. Make sure to designate that it’s for the “Offering Plate” fund.

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“Accompaniment” Worship in person at 9 & 11 a.m.; online at 11 a.m.

February 05, 2023
Aimee K. Bryant, Franco Holder, Lóre Stevens, Rev. Ashley Harness

Accompaniment: Sanctuary & Resistance in the Struggle for Immigration Justice

The Sanctuary and Resistance Team at First Universalist Church works to accompany immigrants in the struggle within an immigration system which criminalizes migration, incarcerates immigrants in detention, and separates families. Since November 2016, we carry out this work as an emergent strategy team, and in conjunction with many community partners, by providing sanctuary space in the church, observing at immigration court, distributing financial resources, and resisting to change the system by advocating for policy changes, namely to make Minnesota a Sanctuary State.

On Sunday, Feb. 5, we will explore and reflect upon how our UU faith and this congregation give us the courage, strength, and hope to accompany immigrant partners in the struggle for justice in our immigration system.

ORDER OF SERVICE: available as a google doc and on this page (screen reader & mobile friendly version) by Friday.

OFFERING: Give via our online giving portal, or CashApp. Make sure to designate that it’s for the “Offering Plate” fund.

A Place to Start – in person immediately after both services (option to join via zoom after the second service on the first Sunday of the month)

Facilitated by one of our members, A Place to Start is a brief, casual orientation to Unitarian Universalism and First Universalist Church. During this 40-minute class, participants will learn about the foundations of our faith tradition and opportunities to get involved. If you attend, please fill out the Visitor Connect form so we can follow up with you. Thank you!

We host A Place to Start every first and third Sundays of the month, immediately after both worship services. The facilitator will be holding a green “Here is A Place to Start” sign at the front of the sanctuary after the worship services. We look forward to welcoming you!

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Who Said 70 is the New 50?: in person at 9 a.m.; in person & online at 11 a.m.

January 29, 2023
Aimee K. Bryant, Dr. Glen Thomas Rideout, Franco Holder, Rev. Ashley Harness, Rev. Karen Hutt

Join us this Sunday, January 29th as we continue exploring our January worship theme, Revolution.

ORDER OF SERVICE: available as a google doc and on this page (screen reader & mobile friendly version) by Friday.

OFFERING: Give via our online giving portal, or CashApp. Make sure to designate that it’s for the “Offering Plate” fund.

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Justice Sunday – in person at 9 & 11 a.m.; online at 11 a.m.

January 22, 2023
Dr. Glen Thomas Rideout, Faithful Action Team Members, Franco Holder, Rev. Arif Mamdani, Rev. Ashley Harness

This Sunday, January 22, is the first in a monthly series of Justice Sundays, where teams of Faithful Action groups in the congregation lead the service, sharing about why their UU faith calls them to take action on particular justice issues. Join us for Justice Sunday worship in person or online.

ORDER OF SERVICE: available as a google doc and on this page (screen reader & mobile friendly version) by Friday.

OFFERING: Give via our online giving portal, or CashApp. Make sure to designate that it’s for the “Offering Plate” fund.

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“Yesterday Teaches Tomorrow” (in person at 9 & 11 a.m.; online at 11 a.m.)

January 15, 2023
Dr. Glen Thomas Rideout, Franco Holder, Rev. Jen Crow

Time and time again, in stories and scriptures and songs, ancestors have left lessons for building beloved community. Though they come in all languages and expressions, the wisdom persists: to resist materialism and hold on to what truly matters; to unshackle from habits of needless prejudice; to put down the weapons we store in our hands and hearts and study war no more. How much comfort can we take that we aren’t nearly the first generation to struggle to live into these communal ways? And what’s our part in the progress?

Join us this Sunday, Jan. 15 as we continue exploring our January worship theme, Revolution.

ORDER OF SERVICE: available as a google doc and on this page (screen reader & mobile friendly version) by Friday.

OFFERING: Give via our online giving portal, or CashApp. Make sure to designate that it’s for the “Offering Plate” fund.

A Place to Start – in person, immediately after both services 
Facilitated by one of our members, A Place to Start is a brief, casual orientation to Unitarian Universalism and First Universalist Church. During this 40-minute class, participants will learn about the foundations of our faith tradition and opportunities to get involved. If you attend, or can’t make it but would like a staff member to reach out, please fill out the Visitor Connect form so we can follow up with you. Thank you!

We host A Place to Start every first and third Sundays of the month, immediately after both worship services. The facilitator will be holding a green “Here is A Place to Start” sign at the front of the sanctuary after the worship services. We look forward to welcoming you!

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Remembrance Sunday (in person at 9 & 11 a.m.; online at 11 a.m.)

January 08, 2023
Dr. Glen Thomas Rideout, Lauren Wyeth, Rev. Arif Mamdani, Rev. Ashley Harness, Rev. Jen Crow

Join us on Sunday, Jan. 8 for Remembrance Sunday, a yearly service in which we name and honor those we’ve lost in the congregation and the wider community. Through story, song, and ritual, this service invites us to name and make room for the loss, grief, and sadness in ourselves, within this community, and beyond in the wider world. This service includes an invitation to name with a neighbor, in-person or at home, any losses you’d like to hold in community, as well a candle lighting ritual in which we name and honor the deaths in our congregation this last year. Join us on Sunday to be and become the community of love and know that together, love can make every grief and suffering bearable for us all.

ORDER OF SERVICE: available as a google doc and on this page (screen reader & mobile friendly version) by Friday.

OFFERING: Give via our online giving portal, or CashApp. Make sure to designate that it’s for the “Offering Plate” fund.

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“Practicing Pause” (In Person and Online at 10 a.m.)

January 01, 2023
Aimee K. Bryant, Lóre Stevens, Rev. Jen Crow

Join us for a time of contemplation and intention setting as we gather on the turning of the year. Together, we’ll engage in the spiritual practices of pausing, noticing, settling and resetting—practices that serve us well in living lives of love, purpose and meaning in all the moments of our lives. We’ll also enjoy music by Dean Magraw on this Sunday.

Join us online or in person for New Years Day worship, January 1 at 10 a.m.

ORDER OF SERVICE: available on this page (screen reader & mobile friendly version) by Friday.

OFFERING: Give via our online giving portal, or CashApp. Make sure to designate that it’s for the “Offering Plate” fund.

A Place to Start – in person or via zoom, immediately after the service (around 11 a.m.)

A Place to Start is a brief, casual orientation to Unitarian Universalism and First Universalist Church. During this 40-minute class, participants will learn about the foundations of our faith tradition and opportunities to get involved. If you attend- or can’t attend but would like to connect with a staff member- please fill out the Visitor Connect form so we can follow up with you! Thank you!

We host A Place to Start every first and third Sundays of the month, immediately after both worship services. The facilitator will be holding a “Here is A Place to Start” sign at the front of the sanctuary after the worship services. We look forward to welcoming you!

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Christmas Morning Worship: in person & online at 10 a.m.

December 25, 2022
Dr. Glen Thomas Rideout, Lóre Stevens, Rev. Arif Mamdani

Dr. Glen Thomas Rideout, Cummins Ministerial Intern Lóre Stevens, and Rev. Arif Mamdani invite you to Christmas morning at church, where our worship leaders will be gathered by the fire opening presents together—presents we are gifting to ourselves and to the church as we work to bring the spirit of these winter holidays into the day-to-day of our lives all throughout the year.

On the morning of December 25, come to church at 10 a.m. online or in-person, feel free to wear your (church appropriate) jammies, and join us as we open our presents together and share the gifts we’ve given, received, and how we hope to grow together in the year to come.

ORDER OF SERVICE: available as a google doc and on this page (screen reader & mobile friendly version) by Friday.

OFFERING: Give via our online giving portal, or CashApp. Make sure to designate that it’s for the “Offering Plate” fund.

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