
Being Present: The Love We Make

February 11, 2024
Dr. Glen Thomas Rideout, Paolo Debuque, Rev. Arif Mamdani

How does love find voice breaking from silence and unmasking its truer self? This Sunday, we delve into “Expression of Love: From Silence to Vulnerability.” Through twists and turns of human emotions, the burden of societal norms, and the lens of our digital existence, we explore. Posed with questions of love’s ferocity and authenticity, we ponder even further: How can those of us, unversed in the language of vulnerability, learn to speak it? 

And as this season invites us to consider our stewardship for our community, let us envision our financial contributions as more than monetary, but as meaningful articulations of care that deepen our community bonds. Is there a bridge to be built between open-hearted giving and personal spiritual ascendance? What could a movement for love do with money?

This Sunday, we invite a transformative exploration of love unabashed and free. Amidst this interconnected landscape, we collectively weave a tapestry of honest and vulnerable expressions of love. Let’s journey together in search for understanding. What we discover will surely challenge us to open our hearts and free our hands. Love keeps calling us anyway. Joy is waiting.

Offering: Give via our online giving portal, or CashApp. Make sure to designate that it’s for the “Offering Plate” fund.

Masks are welcome but not required in the sanctuary. Read our COVID policies for gathering. Find information about childcare and Sunday morning options for children and youth here.

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Tis a Gift to Be Present

February 04, 2024
Aimee K. Bryant, Dr. Glen Thomas Rideout, Nanette Stearns, Rev. Arif Mamdani, Rev. Ashley Harness

In a world too often transactional, we’ll explore the transformative power of a gift economy, where joy is the currency we trade and presence is our shared and most precious commodity. When we choose joy, our lifted spirits are just the first palpable sine of a wave that ripples outward in a wash of positive change throughout our whole community and far beyond.

Together, we’ll delve into the sacredness of intentionality in worship, the heartbeats that synchronize when shared narratives bind us, and the art of presence that turns a gathering into a congregation. This service is an invitation to experience the profound joy that arises when we offer our talents, time, and love as gifts to one another—gifts that nurture our communal well-being and empower us to co-create a church that transcends the ordinary. Come, be part of this joyous communion, and let us journey towards a more empathetic and collaborative world, one heartbeat at a time.

Offering: Give via our online giving portal, or CashApp. Make sure to designate that it’s for the “Offering Plate” fund.

Masks are welcome but not required in the sanctuary. Read our COVID policies for gathering. Find information about childcare and Sunday morning options for children and youth here.

A Place to Start – in person, immediately after worship (option to join via zoom after the second service on the first Sunday of the month)

Facilitated by one of our members, A Place to Start is a brief, casual orientation to Unitarian Universalism and First Universalist Church. During this 40-minute class, participants will learn about the foundations of our faith tradition and opportunities to get involved. The facilitator will be holding a green “Here is A Place to Start” sign at the front of the sanctuary after the worship services. We look forward to welcoming you!

Please note the church does not provide childcare during A Place to Start due to full Sunday morning RE and volunteer schedules. Kids are welcome in A Place to Start after they’re picked up from RE. Options for kids during A Place to Start are the same as in worship: coloring sheets and pipecleaners, and moving to a more kid-friendly space within the sanctuary. You’re also welcome to ask another trusted adult to watch your child(ren) during this time if you prefer.

We host A Place to Start next on February 18 and March 3. If you can’t make it, or prefer to connect with a staff person one on one, please fill out the Visitor Connect form so we can follow up with you. Thank you!

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Making Space: When Voices Dare to Make Visions

January 28, 2024
Allison Connelly-Vetter, Deb Keller, Dr. Glen Thomas Rideout, Rev. Arif Mamdani, Rev. Ashley Harness

In the crucible of community, the unique vision of each individual not only reshapes our common goal but experiences a transformation itself. Picture a mosaic, where every piece is indispensable to the whole. Our shared dream materializes as we each offer a piece of our hearts, contributing to a greater design. This dance of unity within individuality beckons you to unearth your unique strengths, to learn how they can enliven our visionary aspirations. It’s about the breathtaking tableau we craft when we are harmonized in purpose and spirit, and how this sense of purpose threads through the tapestry of our everyday existence and builds through us a greater tomorrow. This is our collective mosaic–a pulsing, resonant manifestation of our faith community’s future.

Masks are welcome but not required in the sanctuary. Read our COVID policies for gathering. Find information about childcare and Sunday morning options for children and youth here.

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Making Space Face to Face

January 21, 2024
Dr. Glen Thomas Rideout, Rev. Arif Mamdani, Rev. Ashley Harness

Immerse yourself in this Sunday’s service, a journey into the heart of our interconnectedness. We will ponder the echoes of our third principle, discovering how it nudges us towards a deeper, more mindful communion with ourselves and each other. Prepare to be drawn into the dance of connection, a ballet of souls turning, reaching, growing. Unearth the profound truth that our shared spiritual practices are the glue that binds us into a resilient community. Witness the revelation that our messiahs walk among us, disguised as everyday leaders, ready to shepherd us into a soul-nourishing retreat. This Sunday, we’re not merely gathering – we’re igniting a beacon of blessing, illumination, and inspiration. Join us, and let the dance of turning transform you.

Offering: Give via our online giving portal, or CashApp. Make sure to designate in the drop-down menu that it’s for the “Offering Plate for the Community” fund.

Masks are welcome but not required in the sanctuary. Read our COVID policies for gathering.

Find information about childcare and Sunday morning options for children and youth here.

A Place to Start – in person, immediately after worship
Are you new or new-ish to First Universalist and wondering where to begin? Here’s “A Place to Start!” Whether you’re simply curious or are considering making this your spiritual home, in this casual, 45-minute class, you’ll learn some of the basics of Unitarian Universalism, as well as how to get connected to what you’re seeking here at church. Meet at the front of the sanctuary immediately after the service on a first or third Sunday.

Please note the church does not provide childcare during A Place to Start due to full Sunday morning RE and volunteer schedules. Kids are welcome in A Place to Start after they’re picked up from RE. Options for kids during A Place to Start are the same as in worship: coloring sheets and pipecleaners, and moving to a more kid-friendly space within the sanctuary. You’re also welcome to ask another trusted adult to watch your child(ren) during this time if you prefer.

We host A Place to Start next on Feb. 4 and 18. If you can’t make it, or prefer to connect with a staff person one on one, please fill out the Visitor Connect form so we can follow up with you. Thank you!

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Making Space to Remember and Revive

January 14, 2024
Paolo Debuque, Rev. Arif Mamdani, Rev. Ashley Harness

As winter’s stillness permeates our lives, we gather this Sunday for our annual Service of Remembrance, a sacred ceremony to honor those who have transitioned from our physical realm. Coupled with this, we also pay homage to the indomitable spirit of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., inviting you to embrace the complex and demanding truth of his message beyond his popular portrayal. Through the ritual of candlelight, naming, and remembering, we keep the glow of their values and dreams alive, mirroring the humanist manifestation of eternal life.

In making space for these memories, we are reminded of our shared responsibility in creating and embodying legacy. As we honor Dr. King and our loved ones, we not only acknowledge their impact but also ignite the path for those to come. This act of remembering and making space, allows us to honor the fullness of each other’s stories. Let’s come together this Sunday, to remember, honor, and recommit to this transformative work of making space.

Offering: Give via our online giving portal, or CashApp. Make sure to designate that it’s for the “Offering Plate” fund.

Masks are welcome but not required in the sanctuary. Read our COVID policies for gathering. Find information about childcare and Sunday morning options for children and youth here.

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One Service @ 10 a.m.: Making Space Starts When You Show Up

January 07, 2024
Aimee K. Bryant, Dr. Glen Thomas Rideout, Rev. Jen Crow

In a world relentlessly demanding, it’s easy to feel like we’re never enough, that what we have to give may not make a dent. But when we peel back these layers of fear, we uncover a transformative truth: The act of showing up—of choosing to be present—is a radical catalyst for change. This is more than physical presence; it’s an emotional, spiritual commitment to bear witness, to engage, and to represent. It’s about standing in the face of the grind, against the status quo, and declaring, “I am here.” This conscious choice to show up breathes life into relationships, sustains religions, and builds compassionate communities. It’s the first, crucial step towards creating inclusive spaces. Remember, even when it feels like you have nothing left to give, your presence, your decision to show up, can shake the world.

Offering: Give via our online giving portal, or CashApp. Make sure to designate that it’s for the “Offering Plate” fund.

Masks are welcome but not required in the sanctuary. Read our COVID policies for gathering. Find information about childcare and Sunday morning options for children and youth here.

A Place to Start – in person, immediately after worship (option to join via zoom after the second service on the first Sunday of the month)

Facilitated by one of our members, A Place to Start is a brief, casual orientation to Unitarian Universalism and First Universalist Church. During this 45-minute class, participants will learn about the foundations of our faith tradition and opportunities to get involved. The facilitator will be holding a green “Here is A Place to Start” sign at the front of the sanctuary after the worship services. We look forward to welcoming you!

We host A Place to Start next on Jan. 7 and 21. If you can’t make it, or prefer to connect with a staff person one on one, please fill out the Visitor Connect form so we can follow up with you. Thank you!

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All-In Sunday ~ One Service at 10 a.m. ~ “Thresholds”

December 31, 2023
Dr. Glen Thomas Rideout, Mark Caswell, Rev. Arif Mamdani, Rev. Ashley Harness

“No threshold need be a threat, but rather an invitation and a promise. Whatever comes, the great sacrament of life will remain faithful to us, blessing us always with visible signs of invisible grace. We merely need to trust.” – John O’Donohue

Join us as we cross the threshold of the new year together. We will slow down to greet the invitations and promises awaiting each of us with ritual stations. We’ll have opportunities to release what no longer serves us, remember our original belovedness, receive healing blessings and seek our next chapters of becoming with trust. 

Join us for worship this Sunday, December 31 at 10 a.m. as we explore our December theme, “Listening Deeply.” 

Offering: Give via our online giving portal, or CashApp. Make sure to designate that it’s for the “Offering Plate” fund.

Masks are welcome but not required in the sanctuary. Read our COVID policies for gathering. Find information about childcare and Sunday morning options for children and youth here.

NOTE: On 12/31 there is childcare available for children in PreK and younger. There are no Religious Education classes. Children and youth of all ages are enthusiastically encouraged to join our All-In worship in the sanctuary with their families.

A Place to Start

Facilitated by one of our members, A Place to Start is a brief, casual orientation to Unitarian Universalism and First Universalist Church. During this 40-minute class, participants will learn about the foundations of our faith tradition and opportunities to get involved. The facilitator will be holding a green “Here is A Place to Start” sign at the front of the sanctuary after the worship service. We look forward to welcoming you!

If you can’t make it, or prefer to connect with a staff person one on one, please fill out the Visitor Connect form so we can follow up with you. Thank you!

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No Sunday morning service Christmas Eve ~ Holiday Service Details

December 24, 2023

Note that there will not be a Sunday morning worship service on December 24, Christmas Eve. We hope you will plan to attend our holiday services – more here about each of those offerings.

See below for the worship schedule during this holiday time. We hope to see you at church!

Thursday, December 21 at 7 p.m.: Winter Solstice Ritual

Saturday, December 23 at 4 p.m.: Christmas Pageant

Sunday, December 24 at 7 p.m.: Christmas Eve Candlelight Service

Sunday, December 31: All-In Sunday ~ one service at 10 a.m.

On 12/31 there is childcare available for children in PreK and younger. There are no Religious Education classes. Children and youth of all ages are enthusiastically encouraged to join our All-In worship in the sanctuary with their families.

Sunday, January 7: All-in Sunday ~ one service at 10 a.m.

Families in Religious Education, please note:

Due to curriculum needs, some Religious Education classes will meet and most will not. Please read carefully to ensure that you have the information you need for your family to participate in worship and Religious Education on January 7.

We will have childcare for children in Pre-K and younger for the duration of the 10 a.m. service.

We will not have Religious Education for children and youth in grades K-6 or Senior High. Those children and youth are enthusiastically encouraged to attend our all-ages worship service.

Youth in our 7th grade Neighboring Faiths program will attend a site visit. Parents and caregivers of 7th graders should look for more information from Program Specialist Hirut Hedge about timing coming in an email prior to the site visit.

Youth in 8th grade OWL (both the 9 & 11 a.m. sections) and in 9th grade Coming of Age will meet during our 10 a.m. service. Both sections of OWL will meet in the Cummins Room and Coming of Age will meet in room 209 as usual. Both OWL and Coming of Age will begin in their classrooms right at 10 a.m. (whereas Coming of Age usually begins in the service).

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All in! One Service at 10 a.m. ~ Listening Deeply: Inside Voices!

December 17, 2023
Dr. Glen Thomas Rideout, Rev. Arif Mamdani, Worship Associates

Our minds are often full of thoughts, like a busy hive all abuzz? Have you ever wondered–Is meditation for me? What is meditation really? What if I am not doing it right? Here’s a revelation – meditation isn’t about making those thoughts disappear. In fact, it’s quite the opposite.

Our minds, much like our ears, are always receptive, picking up on myriad stimuli even when we aren’t consciously aware. Imagine if we didn’t fight against these thoughts but just listened to them and learned to live amidst them. That’s the real beauty of meditation.

Remember, the realm of meditation is akin to a vast open field rather than a narrow path. It’s about exploring this expansive landscape of our minds. Experience the serenity and beauty of calm and community with us this Sunday. All are welcome in this exploration – it’s truly a journey for us all.

Join us this All-In Sunday at 10 AM. Together, we will delve into different techniques for meditation. This journey, like an enlightening expedition, leads us towards understanding ourselves better.

Offering: Give via our online giving portal, or CashApp. Make sure to designate that it’s for the “Offering Plate” fund.

Masks are welcome but not required in the sanctuary. Read our COVID policies for gathering. Find information about childcare and Sunday morning options for children and youth here.

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Still in Motion: The Space Between Who We Are and Who We Want to Be

December 10, 2023
Dr. Glen Thomas Rideout, Paolo Debuque, Rev. Jen Crow, Worship Associates

As we move through the sacred season, marked by the enduring light of Hannukah and the burgeoning anticipation of Advent, we’re invited into a unique space where the realms of time and eternity intersect. Here, every moment becomes an encounter with infinite potential. Amid the whirlwind of holiday activities, the understated power of rest emerges as a counterintuitive path to liberation, offering us a sanctuary within time itself. Taking a step back, we find ourselves attuned to the subtle, beautiful harmonies of our communal existence, appreciating the transitions and transformations that shape our collective journey. In the dance between who we are and who we aim to be, we see success as a delicate balance between progress and patience. Each Sunday becomes a vibrant heartbeat in our relentless pursuit of growth and spiritual elevation, and as the nights lengthen, our collective resolve only strengthens. We invite you to join us on this journey – to pause, reflect, and celebrate the sacred story we’re composing together.

Join us for worship this Sunday, December 10, at 9 and 11 a.m. as we explore our theme for December, “Listening Deeply”

Offering: Give via our online giving portal, or CashApp. Make sure to designate that it’s for the “Offering Plate” fund.

 Masks are welcome but not required in the sanctuary. Read our COVID policies for gathering. Find information about childcare and Sunday morning options for children and youth here.


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