When Things Fall Apart

When Things Fall Apart

February 16, 2020
Rev. Ruth MacKenzie

At the heart of despair is a sense of alienation and meaninglessness. What is the alternative to despair when the flames of hate are fanned, when ecological realities are ignored, and suffering deepens? What are the practices of hope and transformation we can learn from each other? How do we lift our gaze and act for the future? How do we participate in hope that is real and faith that is relevant? This Sunday, join us at 9:30 or 11:15 as we explore the place of Universalism in the ongoing cycle of things falling apart and coming back together.

Order of Service: February 16, 2020 Order of Service

Offering Recipient: Nawayee Center School (give here)

February Worship Theme: Breaking Down and Building Up
What we know about this life is that it is transitory: everything is falling apart and coming back together in some related but different configuration, all at the same time, over and over again. We are part and parcel of an ever-creating creation. What helps us navigate this journey of life’s breaking down and building up? Do we hide in a shell, wary of what’s out there, or what’s next? Or do we venture out into the vulnerability and creativity of this flowing life, leaving the shell by the shoreline? Are there currents and patterns that are reliable and trustworthy in an ever-changing world? This month, we explore the dynamics of this impermanent life, and the bonds of community and faith that keep us strong and supple for what’s ahead. “For each generation, the challenge is the same:” writes Mark Nepo, “How to leave our shell, and to help each other live once out of their shell.”

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