When Life Chooses You

When Life Chooses You

May 15, 2016
Rev. Ruth MacKenzie

Life is more than the choices you make. Sometimes life chooses you and you have to figure out what to do with it. Will you take a breath and ask, “What is my soul trying to teach me?” “Where is God in all this or is there God?” “What saves my life?” Developing a reliable spiritual compass is important. It matters what you believe and where you place your trust. Join us this Sunday to celebrate our Coming of Age youth, the importance of our beliefs, and immerse in the sounds of Give, Get, Sistet, a women’s a cappella group.

Order of Service: May 15 Order of Service

GiveGetSistetSpecial Music: Give Get Sistet
The Give Get Sistet is an expandable improvisational chorus of women based in the Twin Cities with ties around the world. Using a cappella singing and vocal improvisation, the Give Get Sistet entertains, educates and empowers audiences and communities from a wide variety of backgrounds and cultures. These women listen deeply and sing with great generosity and daring, the music they make is unlike any other ensemble you’ve heard. Learn more on their website.

May Worship theme: Doorways
Alexander Graham Bell once said, “When one door closes, another opens.” Although it may sound a bit pollyannaish, there is a deep truth in this saying. Things come to an end. Experiments fail. Initiatives run their course. The truth of the matter is that life does not stop its unfolding. A door is always closing. A door is always opening. In this season of new life, graduations, and coming of age, we mark and celebrate doorways.

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