Wednesday Evening Worship- The Practice of Care

Wednesday Evening Worship- The Practice of Care

December 09, 2020
Rev. Arif Mamdani

Care is fundamental to who we are as human beings. It is the language of our bonds to each other and how we create and maintain the social connections that make survival possible and more so, bring joy to our lives. And also, care, if you haven’t noticed, has gotten a fair bit more complicated in the last 270 days since the pandemic started for us!

As we enter this winter, of longer nights and more waiting ahead, let’s gather together for a little fortification in the practice of care. It might be a bit harder these days, but it isn’t impossible, and with a bit of prepping, perhaps we can find more ease in giving and receiving the care we crave, and need.

Join Rev. Arif Mamdani this Wednesday, Dec. 9 for a midweek worship experience for adults and older youth. This service is a brief time (20-30 minutes) of connection, centering, and reflection to help us find and keep our balance.

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