Relationships and Responsibilities

Relationships and Responsibilities

April 07, 2021
Rev. Justin Schroeder

Our worship theme for April is “accountability.” Perhaps accountability is best understood as a complex and layered set of relationships and responsibilities. As we think about accountability, we might ask, “Who and what are we in relationship with? What do those relationships ask of us? What are we responsible or accountable for in those relationships?” In our time together Wednesday, we won’t offer easy answers to these questions, but we’ll live in the questions and the relationships that surround us. Join us for this short service (20-30 minutes) to pause, breathe, re-center, and create sacred community together.

Launch the Wednesday Worship Zoom here – 7 p.m.

Webinar ID: 117-312-320.
To join by phone (audio only), dial 1-312-626-6799 and enter the webinar ID.

Care Companions Space ~ 7:30 p.m.
We know that worship can take us into deep and surprising places. If you find yourself needing to talk with someone about what is stirring for you after worship, please speak with one of our care companions in a confidential zoom room after the service. This is how we care for one another.

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