Making Space: When Voices Dare to Make Visions

Making Space: When Voices Dare to Make Visions

January 28, 2024
Allison Connelly-Vetter, Deb Keller, Dr. Glen Thomas Rideout, Rev. Arif Mamdani, Rev. Ashley Harness

In the crucible of community, the unique vision of each individual not only reshapes our common goal but experiences a transformation itself. Picture a mosaic, where every piece is indispensable to the whole. Our shared dream materializes as we each offer a piece of our hearts, contributing to a greater design. This dance of unity within individuality beckons you to unearth your unique strengths, to learn how they can enliven our visionary aspirations. It’s about the breathtaking tableau we craft when we are harmonized in purpose and spirit, and how this sense of purpose threads through the tapestry of our everyday existence and builds through us a greater tomorrow. This is our collective mosaic–a pulsing, resonant manifestation of our faith community’s future.

Masks are welcome but not required in the sanctuary. Read our COVID policies for gathering. Find information about childcare and Sunday morning options for children and youth here.

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