Threads of Faith

Threads of Faith

July 23, 2017
Arif Mamdani

Sometimes, we describe Unitarian Universalism as a “tapestry of faith” woven out of the different strands that we each bring to our larger community. This Sunday, we’ll explore one way we might understand faith, and how, as a community, our faith holds us in challenging times.

Join us for worship this Sunday, July 23 at 10 a.m.

Guest Preacher Arif Mamdani is a member of First Universalist Church. He entered seminary after more than 10 years in the nonprofit sector building the capacity of community organizing groups around the country and this fall, will be the Hallman Ministerial Intern at Unity Church-Unitarian in St. Paul, MN. Arif serves as Associate Director of the Kaleo Center for Faith, Justice & Social Transformation, serves on the board of the Church of the Larger Fellowship and the Movement Strategy Center, and lives in St. Paul, MN with his wife and children.

Order of Service: July 23 Order of Service

Listen to the Call to Worship and Sermon

Offering Recipient: Learning Disabilities Awareness Minnesota (give here)

Summer Worship Theme: Meeting the Moment
Sometimes it happens in a small room, when your mind quiets, and the rhythm of your breath begins to lead. Sometimes it happens in a conversation, when you take a leap of faith and step into a hard conversation. Sometimes it is that crazy notion that will not be pushed aside, and you make an about turn that leads into an unimaginable freshness of life and purpose. Sometimes it’s showing up in the streets, in a rotunda, in a meeting, in covenantal community. Sometimes it’s showing up for yourself. The religious life is meeting the moment over and over again. Join us this summer as ministers and speakers from all different walks of life, and contexts tell of their spiritual grounding, and stories of meeting the moment.

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