This Is What Democracy Looks Like

This Is What Democracy Looks Like

September 30, 2018
Rev. Karen Hutt

Shake that malaise off!

Read our constitution with fresh eyes!

We still live in a representative democracy!

Join us for worship this Sunday, Sept. 30. Rev. Karen Hutt will be preaching and the First Universalist Choir will be singing in worship.

Order of Service:  September 30 Order of Service

Listen to the Sunday Service Podcast:

Offering Recipient: Residents of the Franklin/Hiawatha Encampment via The Metropolitan Urban Indian Directors (MUID) (give here)

September Worship Theme: Here…Now…Start
In the Buddhist tradition there is a concept called “maitri.” Buddhist monk and writer Pema Chödrön calls it the basis of compassion and the seed of joy. Maitri is a sanskrit word meaning an unconditional friendship with oneself. We spend so much of our time wishing we were someplace other than where we are, wishing we were something other than what we are. What if we made a steadfast commitment to be in friendship with where, what, and how we are, right now? When we are not so preoccupied with getting rid of our “bad” traits, or denigrating our ways of being, perhaps we would be able to see our defense mechanisms more clearly, or the ways in which our negative beliefs about ourselves manifest in our lives. Perhaps, we would also see our wisdom, our bravery and our kindness. What if we said: “Here is where we are. Now is what we have. This is how we start.”

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