The Spiritual Classroom of Discomfort

The Spiritual Classroom of Discomfort

November 06, 2016
Rev. Ruth MacKenzie

Whether we like it or not, the places where we feel the most discomfort in our lives are the places of our greatest opportunities for learning. Discomfort is the very thing that may catapult us out of our old patterns and into creative thinking and spiritual depth. If religion is doing its job, it is helping us sit in discomfort long enough to allow the transforming spirit to do its work and remind us over and over again that we are not alone.

Please join us for worship at 9:30 or 11:15 a.m.! This Sunday is Sharing Sunday (children ages 4 years to 5th grade attend the first part of the service). There will also be a Child Dedication Ritual at both services for those families who have signed up in advance. 

Order of Service: November 6 Order of Service

Offering Recipient: Beacon Interfaith Housing Collaborative (give here)

Music: Chalice Singers and The OK Factor

Listen to the Sermon:

November worship theme: Making Space for Discomfort
M. Scott Peck writes: “The truth is that our finest moments are most likely to occur when we are feeling deeply uncomfortable, unhappy, or unfulfilled. For it is only in such moments, propelled by our discomfort, that we are likely to step out of our ruts and start searching for different ways or truer answers.” Most of us want to get to the end of an uncomfortable situation, or an unfulfilled time as soon as humanly possible. We often will choose a questionable equilibrium over a generative imbalance any day. But what if we placed the mantle of discomfort squarely upon our shoulders, and embraced it as our greatest spiritual teacher. This month, we practice making space for discomfort and the truer answers it has to teach.

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