The Day of Religion

The Day of Religion

February 26, 2017
Makram El-Amin

People of faith search for meaning through our faith traditions to reconcile realities that are before us. It begins with a premise of “Oneness,” which says everything is interconnected and interdependent. Prophetic statements provide insights into current events that lead to failures and oppression in our society. We are called to be our best selves, especially in difficult times, in order to reach The Destiny! Civilized society requires us to answer the question: after we are knocked down and abused by the world, what do we do after we cry together?

Join us for worship this Sunday, Feb. 26 at 9:30 or 11:15 a.m. Our guest preacher this Sunday is Makram El-Amin, imam at Masjid An-Nur in Minneapolis. 

Order of Service: February 26 Order of Service

Listen to the Call to Worship and Sermon:

Offering Recipient: Minnesota Prison Writing Workshop (give here)

MNE- St Kates

Imam Makram El-Amin

About Our Guest Preacher, Makram El-Amin:
Imam Makram El-Amin’s commitment to service and civic leadership has made him a pillar in the Minneapolis community. As imam of the historic Masjid An-Nur, he’s led a growing, culturally diverse congregation in his hometown to the forefront of interfaith dialogue and neighborhood outreach.

For the past two decades, Imam El-Amin’s work as a religious and community leader has been firmly rooted in the principle of our inherent human dignity. In addition to his weekly teaching duties, Imam El-Amin has led the masjid’s numerous community service initiatives.

A student of the late religious leader and scholar Imam W. Deen Mohammed, his thoughtful and moderate approach to Islam has afforded Imam El-Amin opportunities to share the stage with Bishop Desmond Tutu and the Dalai Lama. He was a delegate to an historic interfaith event in Rome with Pope John Paul II and member of an interfaith clergy delegation to the Holy Land.

As advisor to Keith Ellison, the first Muslim elected to Congress, Imam El-Amin has counseled Ellison on religious issues and accompanied him on international trade trips. The New York Times wrote an article on Imam El-Amin, tagging him the ‘congressman’s imam’ and emerging voice for religious tolerance and Muslim participation in the public square.

When not leading his congregation, Imam El-Amin continues to serve by helping mentor adult men transitioning from prison into the workforce. In his role at The Network for Better Futures, he plays life coach to hundreds of men improving their lives through education and employment.


February Worship Theme: Prophetic Imagination
What is a prophet? A prophet is not a clairvoyant, or a psychic. A prophet is more akin to a namer; someone who is called to look and discern the what of “what is,” and name it. The prophet is one who sees the patterns hidden in plain sight. Her measuring stick is not the GDP, but the health and well being of the whole. The prophet is in love with his people, all his people, the oppressed and the privileged. Still, a prophet’s questions may feel pointed and abrupt. The prophet asks: Is your God big enough? Is your world picture big enough? A prophet calls forth imagination. This month we explore the imperative of imagination, name the prophets in our midst, and ask where we stand in prophetic imagination.

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