Telling A New Story After Prison

Telling A New Story After Prison

July 24, 2016
Arif Mamdani

What’s it like to tell a new story after leaving prison and returning to society? Narrative therapy uses the language of “thick descriptor” or “thickening the story” to encourage us to see that a single story doesn’t do justice to the complexity of our world. This Sunday, we’ll attempt to thicken our narrative on prison and what it means to tell a new story after incarceration, while hearing from someone who’s in the middle of telling a new story after prison.

Please join us for worship at 10 a.m.!

Order of Service: July 24 Order of Service

Offering Recipient: Indigenous Environmental Network (give here)

Special Music: First Universalist Summer Choir

Listen to the Call to Worship and Homilies:

About this week’s Guest Preachers:

Arif Mamdani
Arif Mamdani is a member of First Universalist. He is enrolled in the Master of Divinity degree program at United Theological Seminary and is pursuing fellowship with the Unitarian Universalist Association. Arif is employed as an Associate Director with the Kaleo Center for Faith, Justice & Social Transformation, and lives in St. Paul with his wife Channing McKinley and their daughters Satya and Rasana.

Thomas Wright
Born and raised in Minneapolis, Thomas Wright describes his life today as “from reckless to redeemed: a new life after 40 plus years of a distorted worldview that has been transformed by faith in Christ.” He has worked in real estate and construction, and is currently exploring opportunities to use his life experience and re-entry experience to start faith-grounded supportive housing centers for men and women leaving prison.

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