Sunday, Dec. 27 Worship: How Shall We End this Year?

Sunday, Dec. 27 Worship: How Shall We End this Year?

December 27, 2020
Rev. Arif Mamdani

On December 27th, we will gather for our last service of 2020. In a year that has seen so much, how we gather, how we mark this passing, is not as clear cut as it may have been in other less tumultuous years.

Rev. Arif Mamdani shares: Back in the spring, almost a year ago now, I asked “what is the story that we want to be able to tell about this time?” I invited us then to imagine ourselves into a future where we’d be sharing the story of this pandemic with young ones who hadn’t lived through it or were too young to recall. This was before George Floyd was murdered, before the cities across our nation and around the world rose up in a cry for justice that is still reverberating, before it became evident that Line 3 was going to be a significant fight, before our president would make numerous attempts to destroy our democracy and we would wonder (we are still wondering) if we’d have a peaceful transition of power or if we would need to be in our streets defending our democracy. And in the background of all this, the drumbeat of loss, and loss, and loss that has been a constant refrain of 2020.

It has been a year. And so, when we gather as a community on the 27th, let’s gather with this question in mind: “how shall we end this year? And what comes next?” And when we gather, let’s see how we answer it, together.

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