Suffering and Ambiguity: Lessons from Chaplaincy and the Book of Job

Suffering and Ambiguity: Lessons from Chaplaincy and the Book of Job

July 17, 2016
Andrea Johnson

The story of Job in the Hebrew Bible is one of the most powerful stories in the Bible, told and re-told throughout the ages, because it wrestles with life’s toughest conundrum: The problem of human suffering and God’s involvement in the pain of the world. Efforts to find the cause of suffering often lead one to put the blame somewhere – on self, others, God, or Satan. The book of Job tells a new story by asking us to look beyond blame, accept ambiguity and uncertainty, and to surrender to the fact that we are not in control of everything in our life. What can we as Unitarian Universalists learn from this ancient wisdom story if are willing to open our hearts to it?

Please join us for worship at 10 a.m.!

Order of Service: July 17 Order of Service

Offering Recipient: Habitat for Humanity (give here)

About our Guest Preacher: Andrea Johnson is pursuing her Master of Divinity degree at United Theological Seminary in New Brighton, MN. She is a member of First Universalist Church in Minneapolis where she is active on the Pastoral Care Team, facilitating small groups and Racial Justice work. She lives in Minneapolis with her husband and three children.

Listen to the Call to Worship and Sermon:

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