Stories of Intention

Stories of Intention

September 24, 2017
Worship Associates

Join us this Sunday as we explore the theme of Intention through the everyday stories of people’s lives and experiences. Modeled after the storytelling podcast, The Moth, members of our Worship Associates team will be talking about an intention that had a very different impact than intended, how a childhood experience at the doctor shaped an intention for living, how we might frame our intentions in deep sense of grace for ourselves and others. We will be joined by the choir, and musician Libby Turner, member of Give Get Sistet. Don’t miss this Sunday!

Join us for worship at 9:30 or 11:15 a.m.

Order of Service: September 24 Order of Service

Listen to the Stories of Intention:

Offering Recipient: Centro Tyrone Guzman (give here)

September Worship Theme: Intention (In Tension)
Coming from the Latin word, intentionem, intention literally means a stretching out—a stretching out of mind, of heart, of body, of spirit. When we set an intention, we are turning our attention toward something, or someone, or some idea, and stretching out to meet it. Yet there are times when our intent runs headlong into our blind spots, our misconceptions. Our good intentions can have troublesome or even devastating impacts. As we begin the new church year together, we explore intention, impact, and living in the tension of naming where we are for real, where we hope to be going, and navigating the holy in it all.

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