Seeds of Hope

Seeds of Hope

September 20, 2015
Rev. Jen Crow

What is there to do in the face of unimaginable loss and despair? Where can we look for strength and guidance, and how do we begin? This Sunday, let us look to the redwoods of our faith community – the leaders and the quiet workers – who plant seeds of hope that blossom beyond our knowing into peace and possibility.

Download the September 20 Order of Service.

Special Guests: Shizumi Shigeto Manale (dance); Leo Hansen (shakuhachi (Japanese flute))

Offering Recipient: Habitat for Humanity

September worship theme: Roots
Sometimes we use the word root in its singular form. We get to the root of the problem, or we discover the root of our faith. But more frequently, and perhaps more accurately, we use the word roots to describe a system of interweaving concerns, a plurality of considerations, a tangle of contexts that inform our faith, that describe our history, that make us who we are. This month we explore the roots of our faith tradition, the roots of our justice work, the roots that sustain our lives.

Listen to the Call to Worship and the Sermon

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