Prophetic Resistance

Prophetic Resistance

January 29, 2017
Rev. Justin Schroeder

Last Saturday, at the Women’s March, one of the chants was “Refuse. Rebel. Resist.” We are in a moment where “prophetic resistance” is required of us. What is prophetic resistance and what does music, art, poetry, and spoken word have to teach us about prophetic resistance? How can prophets, poets, and artists help us summon courage, humility, and compassion we didn’t even know we had as we meet this moment?

Join us for worship this Sunday, Jan. 29 at 9:30 or 11:15 a.m.

Order of Service: January 29 Order of Service

Listen to the Call to Worship and Sermon:

Offering Recipient: EMERGE (give here)

January Worship Theme: Cloud of Witnesses
“Do you see what this means– surrounded by such a cloud of witnesses, such a community of ancestors that have paved the way, cheering us on? It means we better get on with it. Strip down. Throw off every burden. No extra spiritual fat, that keeps us from moving (Hebrews 12:1).” Ancestors bless and burden us with legacy. They tell us why we are here and why being here right now matters. In this month, we explore where we come from, whose are we, and where we find ourselves in the sacred arc of history.

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