Mine, Mine, Mine

Mine, Mine, Mine

March 01, 2020
Rev. Karen Hutt
As soon as a toddler starts to learn to grasp, they also learn to claim objects as theirs. But what happens when we hold onto to this behavior in our daily lives as adults? What ideas and stories are we holding on to? When does sharing cease to be a natural instinct? The culture of MINE limits our ability to grow and evolve authentically with others. At 9:30 or 11:15, come and explore what might happen as we practice creating a culture of sharing in our families, our communities and our earth.

Order of Service: March 1, 2020 Order of Service

Offering Recipient: Simpson Housing Services (give here)

March Worship Theme: Sharing
Embedded in the mission statement of First Universalist Church is the principle of sharing. “In the Universalist spirit of love and hope, we give, receive and grow.” Our mission professes the value of sharing, of giving and receiving, and experiencing the natural outcome of  growth. So many of us have experienced the feeling of receiving when we have given in some way. And many times when we decide to let down our defenses to receive a hug, a kind word, or a meal, we are giving the gift of vulnerability and greater opportunities to form deeper bonds. Sharing is a wonderful rubric of spiritual and emotional growth, individually and communally. This month we explore the different facets of sharing, and how, in so doing, we grow our spirits and our faith.

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