Learning to Ride a Bicycle

Learning to Ride a Bicycle

March 02, 2014
Guest Minister

Do you remember when you first learned to ride?  It was, at heart, an act of faith.  This morning, I’ll share inspiring stories from around the globe and hope to open your hearts to express your love for this congregation and Unitarian Universalism.  Rev. Vail Weller is the Congregational Giving Director at the Unitarian Universalist Association.  She has served as a parish minister in West Virginia, Michigan, and most recently, San Mateo, CA.

Sermon Theme: Growing the Soul, Repairing the World

French spiritual and political leader Charles Peguy writes, “everything begins in mysticism and ends in politics.”  Church is the intersection of spiritual growth and social justice.  Theologians and religious teachers of all kinds have championed this truth.  In this sermon series, we explore the connections between the spiritual life and a life committed to social justice.


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