It’s Already Broken

It’s Already Broken

February 07, 2016
Rev. Jen Crow

So often we do our best to keep things in perfect shape, yet we know that the nicks and cracks, the scratches and bumps, will come. What would it be like if we went through life without fear of ourselves, our things, and our relationships breaking? What would we trust?

Sunday, Feb. 7 is Sharing Sunday (children 4 years to 5th grade attend the first part of the service).

View the February 7 Order of Service

Offering Plate Recipient: Prepare + Prosper (give here)

February worship theme: Brokenness
“Life will break you. Nobody can protect you from that, and living alone won’t either, for solitude will also break you with its yearning. You have to love. You have to feel. It is the reason you are here on earth.” – Louise Erdrich.
Brokenness is part and parcel of being human. We are born into families that fall short, or social constructs that privilege one group over another. Brokenness is. When we don’t admit brokenness, the truth of our stories, then we don’t make room for understanding, the healing balm of confession, and the deep well of compassion. All is available to us, but first we must admit brokenness.

Listen to the Wisdom Story and Sermon:

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