Invited In

Invited In

September 18, 2016
Rev. Justin Schroeder

Sometimes invitations are obvious, like the ones that show up in your mail or email box. Other times invitations are more subtle and complex. How might we listen for those invitations, and how might we respond?

Please join us for worship at 9:30 or 11:15 a.m.!

Order of Service: September 18 Order of Service

Offering Recipient: EMERGE (give here)
Unemployment in communities served by EMERGE is 21% in North Minneapolis and 40% in Cedar Riverside, vs 6.3% overall in Minneapolis. EMERGE serves over 3,000 clients annually, and its clients are 91% people of color, 64% live in poverty, 33% have a criminal background, 15% have no High School credentials, and 12% are immigrants or refugees.

EMERGE provides a wide range of services that include:

  • Employment opportunities via its staffing agency and employment enterprises
  • Employment readiness and coaching
  • Adult training and credentialing programs
  • Youth employment and education services
  • Financial literacy education and coaching
  • Transitional/supportive housing , especially families with custodial, single fathers

Learn more at

Listen to the Call to Worship and Sermon:

September Worship Theme: Invitation
Create a clearing, listen for your song and let it teach you how to give yourself to this world. There is no better description of the religious life than this! And notice that it all begins with invitation, with the deep humility and knowledge that while the song is deeply ours, it also comes from something or somewhere beyond ourselves. It takes time, but eventually we each come to realize that – to be whole and to find home – a space must be made, a clearing must be created, and otherness must be invited in.

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