Expressing Humility: The Lost Art of Sacrifice

Expressing Humility: The Lost Art of Sacrifice

March 03, 2024
Dr. Glen Thomas Rideout, Rev. Kathleen Rolenz

As March unfolds, we are thrilled to welcome Rev. Kathleen Rolenz to our congregation, marking the beginning of a month dedicated to Expressing Humility and exploring how our personal journeys intertwine with the collective needs of our community. Rev. Rolenz, an esteemed voice in Unitarian Universalist ministry and a luminary in crafting worship that resonates deeply with congregants, brings a wealth of experience and insight to First Universalist. Having collaborated with Kathleen during the creation of the second edition of Worship That Works, I am particularly excited about the rich dialogue and exploration her presence promises.

This Sunday, Rev. Rolenz will lead us in contemplating The Lost Art of Sacrifice, a timely reflection as we navigate the solemn periods of Lent and approach Ramadan. In a world often driven by the quest for instant gratification, Kathleen invites us to reconsider sacrifice as a source of spiritual nourishment and unexpected joy. Drawing on her experiences from serving in diverse communities and her profound understanding of liturgy, Kathleen’s sermon promises to be a compelling journey through the complexities of faith, community, and the sacrifices that bind them.

Join us in welcoming Rev. Kathleen Rolenz and immerse yourself in a service that promises not just to explore the depths of humility and sacrifice but also to celebrate the communal spirit that defines our congregation. Let’s gather together to discover the joy and enrichment that humility can bring to our lives and our community.

Dr. Glen Thomas Rideout

Director of Worship Arts Ministries

Join us this Sunday, March 3, as we explore our March theme, “Expressing Humility.”

Offering: Give via our online giving portal, or CashApp. Make sure to designate that it’s for the “Offering Plate” fund.

Masks are welcome but not required in the sanctuary. Read our COVID policies for gathering. Find information about childcare and Sunday morning options for children and youth here.

A Place to Start – in person, immediately after worship
You can join via zoom after the second service 

Facilitated by one of our members, A Place to Start is a brief, casual orientation to Unitarian Universalism and First Universalist Church. During this 45-minute class, participants will learn about the foundations of our faith tradition and opportunities to get involved. The facilitator will be holding a green “Here is A Place to Start” sign at the front of the sanctuary after the worship services. We look forward to welcoming you!

Please note the church does not provide childcare during A Place to Start due to full Sunday morning RE and volunteer schedules. Kids are welcome in A Place to Start after they’re picked up from RE. Options for kids during A Place to Start are the same as in worship: coloring sheets and pipecleaners, and moving to a more kid-friendly space within the sanctuary. You’re also welcome to ask another trusted adult to watch your child(ren) during this time if you prefer.

We host A Place to Start next on March 17 and April 7. If you can’t make it, or prefer to connect with a staff person one on one, please fill out the Visitor Connect form so we can follow up with you. Thank you!

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