Arc of Change

Arc of Change

January 04, 2015
Rev. Justin Schroeder

In this New Year, as we strive to bring change into our own lives, communities, and the world we live in, who do we lift up or call upon for strength and guidance in these efforts? What people inspire us to change? Who accompanies us when we’re afraid of change and know that we must change? How we do find ourselves in the great arc of change?

Join Rev. Justin Schroeder this sunday as he preaches, “Arc of Change”


Worship Theme for January: Arc of Change

In his poem, “The Layers,” Stanley Kunitz looks back on his life of changes, “the milestones” and “abandoned campsites,” of his journey. All of us leave a trail of hopes that have fallen along the wayside, or burning embers of insight that light the way forward in our changing patterns. Change is. That is the nature of things. In a beautiful turn of phrase the poet writes, “a nimbus-clouded voice directed me: “Live in the layers, not on the litter.” This month we live in the layers of change, exploring the arcs of our own lives, the arc of this faith community, and the arc of history and change. To paraphrase Kunitz’s final line: We are not done with our changes.

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