Amidst the Change

Amidst the Change

January 31, 2021
Rev. Justin Schroeder

We are in the midst of great change, aren’t we? Some change we choose, and some change chooses us, but everything is always changing. As Octavia Butler writes, “God is Change.” What might it mean to really embrace this reality? As we finish our month of exploring the theme of “Choosing Change,” we’ll rest in the divine swirl of courage, change, brokenness, love, new possibilities and dreams, and we’ll see what emerges to guide us in our living in 2021. Join us online for worship on Sunday, January 31 at 10 a.m. 

Follow along with the Order of Service

Offering: Every Meal/Augsburg Fairview Academy
(give here) or text firstuniv to 73256. You’ll receive a link to a secure form where you can enter your information. Select the “Offering Plate” fund from the dropdown menu.

Care Companions Space ~ 11 a.m.
We know that worship can take us into deep and surprising places. If you find yourself needing to talk with someone about what is stirring for you after worship, please speak with one of our care companions in a confidential zoom room after the service. This is how we care for one another.

Sunday Small Groups & Fellowship Hours ~ 11 a.m.
Fellowship hours will funnel through this link. Breakout room options are:

  • Six-Week Sunday Small Groups (11:15 a.m.– pre-registration required)
  • BIPOC-Multiracial Fellowship Hour
  • All-Identities Fellowship Hour
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