The Big Non-Negotiable

The Big Non-Negotiable

November 25, 2018
Rev. Justin Schroeder

All month we’ve been exploring the non-negotiables in our lives. We end this month’s theme by turning to “The Big Non-Negotiable,” that thing that every human being shares as an ultimate non-negotiable, no matter age, gender, race, culture, class, religion, or education. On this Sunday, facing our own mortality, we will fully immerse ourselves in the present moment of life.

This Sunday is a multigenerational worship service; children in Pre-K and up attend services with their families.

Please join us for worship at 9:30 or 11:15 a.m.!

Order of Service:  November 25 Order of Service

Listen to the Sunday Service Podcast:

Offering Recipient: Clare Housing (give here)

November Worship Theme: Non-negotiables
What cannot be bought or sold, traded or transferred in your life? What is sacred? What convictions are sunk deep in the heart of this faith community, like footings on which a foundation can be laid and a structure built? Many of our Unitarian and Universalist ancestral mothers and fathers sacrificed much for their convictions, their non-negotiables: that hell was a fiction, joy was our birthright, and justice was our calling so that heaven might take root on earth. Rev. David Bumbaugh says it this way: “If we are to be the religious movement some of us dreamed…if we are to respond to the needs of the world from a liberal religious basis, it is critical that we be able to address and answer three central questions: What do we believe? Whom do we serve? To whom or what are we responsible?” This month we ask ourselves: what are the non-negotiables to living a whole and holy life, as individuals and as a religious tradition?

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