This Is Us: Mental Health Sunday

This Is Us: Mental Health Sunday

October 07, 2018
Rev. Justin Schroeder

Join us for our 2nd annual Mental Health Sunday, as we continue our work as a faith community to remove the stigma of mental health, and as we welcome, affirm, and protect the light in each human heart. Our service will include a ritual for those living with mental illness and for everyone accompanying a loved one or friend with mental illness. Please join us for worship at 9:30 or 11:15 a.m.!

This Sunday is Sharing Sunday. Children in Pre-K through 5th Grade attend the first part of the worship service with their families.

Order of Service: October 7 Order of Service

Listen to the Sunday Service Podcast:

Offering Recipient: Mental Health Connect (give here)

October Worship Theme: Welcoming in Joy
“Let mutual love continue. Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for by doing that some have entertained angels without knowing it (Hebrews 13:1-2).” One of the common messages of the world’s religions is the practice of radical hospitality, to move beyond the natural inclination to distrust, and instead, welcome. When we extend a hand on a Sunday morning, when we hold curiosity and wonder in our exchanges, when we view one another as Thou, a whole and holy human being with dreams, loves, and agency, we make room for the divine to enter and be within our midst. As a church committed to racial justice, we name the frameworks that hinder belonging, that constrict our humanity, and wound the soul. This month, we affirm and welcome the light in each human heart and commit ourselves to welcoming in joy.

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