Resisting White Supremacy Teach-In 2

Resisting White Supremacy Teach-In 2

October 29, 2017
Ashley Horan

First Universalist is joining hundreds of UU congregations in responding to a call to hold a second teach-in on racism and white supremacy during worship in October: #UUWhiteSupremacyTeachIn2. This call to action comes from a growing network led by UUs of color and white UUs working together. Learn more here.

Our October 29 service will feature speakers from our congregation, a homily by Rev. Ashley Horan entitled “10 Commandments of Challenging White Supremacy,” and music by the First Universalist Choir.

We encourage you to stay after worship for further reflection on the service in the social hall over treats. Following the 9:30 a.m. service, we’ll have donuts for sale ($2 each), and after the 11:15 a.m. service, there will be bag lunches prepared by our very own Tina and Caitlin Bernett (with vegetarian and vegan sandwich options) available for purchase ($5).

People of Color and Indigenous People are invited to a Worship Circle led by Rev. Karen Hutt during the 11:15 a.m. service. This worship circle, offered to POCI as an alternate to the UU White Supremacy Teach-In, will be held in Rev. Justin’s office. 

Order of Service: October 29 Order of Service

Listen to the Call to Worship, Stories, and Sermon:

October Worship Theme: Outsiders
The first principle of our Unitarian Universalist faith states that we affirm the inherent worth and dignity of every human being. This connotes a celebration and welcoming of the variety of human expression, all the different ways and contexts that make us who we are. Yet there is a tendency in our human nature to distrust something that is different than ourselves, that is in some way other or deemed an outsider. At the heart of our faithful root system is an other-affirming imperative, to meet and come to know one another as whole and holy, and embrace the outsider. We often fail. Yet when we lean into our other-affirming calling, we resist the false, dominant cultural narrative of segmentation and separation, and find a surplus of wisdom and ways forward that are surprising, challenging, and life-giving.

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