Water Communion Sunday: The Way of the River

Water Communion Sunday: The Way of the River

September 10, 2017
Rev. Jen Crow

On Sunday, Sept. 10, we return to two services and begin the new church year with our annual multigenerational Water Communion service. Water is a gift. It replenishes and sustains our lives. Water Communion Sunday is a day on which we celebrate the many rivers, eddies and waterways of our life experiences, converging in our sanctuary every Sunday forming a river of faith. We embody this truth by bringing water from our homes, our travels, our walks, our bike paths—any place that is sacred to us—and combining them during the service in a ritual called Water Communion.

Please join us for worship at 9:30 or 11:15 a.m. and bring a small jar of water.

Order of Service: September 10 Order of Service

Listen to the Wisdom Story and Sermon:

Offering Recipient: Hurricane Harvey Recovery Fund (give here)

Music: First Universalist Choir

September Worship Theme: Intention (In Tension)
Coming from the Latin word intentionem, intention literally means a stretching out—a stretching out of mind, of heart, of body, of spirit. When we set an intention, we are turning our attention toward something, or someone, or some idea, and stretching out to meet it. Yet there are times when our intent runs headlong into our blind spots, our misconceptions. Our good intentions can have troublesome or even devastating impacts. As we begin the new church year together, we explore intention, impact, and living in the tension of naming where we are for real, where we hope to be going, and navigating the holy in it all.

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