

June 18, 2017
Rev. Karen Hering

With the unfolding conversations and awareness around gender identity and diversity, how do we understand what it means to be “us” in ways that welcome and open the fullness of all our gender identities and possibilities?

Please join us for worship at 10 a.m. on Sunday, June 18!

This Sunday’s guest preacher, Rev. Karen Hering, is consulting literary minister, rooted at Unity Church-Unitarian in St. Paul, author of “Writing to Wake the Soul: Opening the Sacred Conversation Within,” and recipient of a Silver Nautilus award for books contributing to spiritual growth, conscious living, responsible leadership and social change. She leads retreats and programs near and far, and is also the proud mother of Catherine Charles Hammond, who will be leading this worship service with her. For more information visit:

Guest speaker Catherine Charles Hammond is a Minneapolis-based writer, musician, and performer whose work exploring queer identity has been featured most recently in 20% Theatre Company’s The Naked I, Fox Egg Gallery’s OUTspoken, and Intermedia Arts’ Queer Voices reading series. They have also provided staff trainings, consultation, and lectures as LGBTQ Community Liaison at the Children’s Theatre Company in Minneapolis.

Order of Service: June 18 Order of Service

Music: First Universalist Choir

Offering Recipient: RECLAIM (give here)

Summer Worship Theme: Meeting the Moment
Sometimes it happens in a small room, when your mind quiets, and the rhythm of your breath begins to lead. Sometimes it happens in a conversation, when you take a leap of faith and step into a hard conversation. Sometimes it is that crazy notion that will not be pushed aside, and you make an about turn that leads into an unimaginable freshness of life and purpose. Sometimes it’s showing up in the streets, in a rotunda, in a meeting, in covenantal community. Sometimes it’s showing up for yourself. The religious life is meeting the moment over and over again. Join us this summer as ministers and speakers from all different walks of life, and contexts tell of their spiritual grounding, and stories of meeting the moment.

Listen to the Call to Worship and Sermon

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