The Way It Is

The Way It Is

February 19, 2017
Rev. Jen Crow, Rev. Justin Schroeder

Beneath the sometimes swirling changes of life, there is a deeper truth that can guide us. Join us for an exploration of the core truths that guide us as individuals and as a church community.

Join us for worship at 9:30 or 11:15 a.m. Worship this Sunday is youth-friendly – youth in grades 6 through 12 attend the entire service.

Order of Service: February 19 Order of Service

Listen to the Call to Worship and Sermon:

Offering Recipient: Simpson Housing Services (give here)

February Worship Theme: Prophetic Imagination
What is a prophet? A prophet is not a clairvoyant, or a psychic. A prophet is more akin to a namer; someone who is called to look and discern the what of “what is,” and name it. The prophet is one who sees the patterns hidden in plain sight. Her measuring stick is not the GDP, but the health and well being of the whole. The prophet is in love with his people, all his people, the oppressed and the privileged. Still, a prophet’s questions may feel pointed and abrupt. The prophet asks: Is your God big enough? Is your world picture big enough? A prophet calls forth imagination. This month we explore the imperative of imagination, name the prophets in our midst, and ask where we stand in prophetic imagination.

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