A Living Sanctuary

A Living Sanctuary

January 15, 2017
Rev. Justin Schroeder

“Sanctuary” is a religious concept that goes all the way back to the Hebrew Scriptures. After leaving Egypt, the Hebrew people are instructed to create “sanctuary cities,” cities of refuge, for those in need, for those being persecuted, and those without a safe home. In the 1980s many churches around the country, including First Universalist, became “Sanctuary Churches,” offering protection to political refugees from Central America. We are living in a time when the idea of sanctuary is more important than ever, as many are feeling fearful and vulnerable. On this Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Sunday, we’ll explore what it means for our faith community to be a living sanctuary.

Order of Service: January 15 Order of Service

Listen to the Call to Worship and Sermon:

Offering Recipient: Project for Pride in Living (give here)

Musical Guests: Dean Magraw and Eric Kamau Gravatt

January Worship Theme: Cloud of Witnesses
“Do you see what this means– surrounded by such a cloud of witnesses, such a community of ancestors that have paved the way, cheering us on? It means we better get on with it. Strip down. Throw off every burden. No extra spiritual fat, that keeps us from moving (Hebrews 12:1).” Ancestors bless and burden us with legacy. They tell us why we are here and why being here right now matters. In this month, we explore where we come from, whose are we, and where we find ourselves in the sacred arc of history.

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