The Story of Place

The Story of Place

October 09, 2016
Rev. Justin Schroeder

We are in the middle of the Jewish High Holy Days, with Rosh Hashanah behind us, and Yom Kippur just in front of us. Yom Kippur is a time of repentance and atonement, of making amends with those we have hurt. How might our understanding of this Holy Day and this practice deepen, as we seek to understand the place and the land we live on, as it relates to an indigenous population?

Please join us for worship at 9:30 or 11:15 a.m.!

Order of Service: October 9 Order of Service

Offering Recipient: Simpson Housing Services (give here)

Music: First Universalist Choir

Listen to the Call to Worship and the Sermon:

October Worship Theme: The Whole Story
Our lives are not just made up of stories; they are also made by stories. This might be the most important reminder of this month. Indeed, who of us hasn’t felt controlled by a story? Stuck in a story? Hopeless about the way our story will end up? A friend tells me that her family “clings to the story about how I’m the clumsy one.” I’ve never seen my friend trip, not once. Or drop a thing, ever. And yet, somehow, when she goes home, she spills coffee on at least one outfit, stubs at least one toe and stumbles down at least one step. The power of story! This month, we endeavor to tell whole stories, the stories that shape us, the stories that stand in our way, the stories that create openings for something new whether in our racial justice work or in our personal lives! Whole stories matter.

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