A New Story of Race

A New Story of Race

June 26, 2016
Karin Wille

Growing in our faith as UUs requires us every day to seek new truths, to admit our mistakes, to begin again in love. When we are willing to change, to begin again with new truths, we open to the possibility of telling a new story. What is the new story about race that is emerging from our congregation’s commitment to seeking the truth in love through our racial justice journey?

Karin Wille is a devoted grandma, retired attorney, long time volunteer and forty-year member of First Universalist. Her spiritual journey has been deepened and enriched by service to this congregation and the UUA, including serving on the Board of Trustees in the 1980s. Karin joined the Board again in 2012, recently serving as Vice President and chair of the Governance Committee.

Offering Recipient: MAD DADS (give here)

Order of Service: June 26 Order of Service

Listen to the Call to Worship and Sermon:

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