Revolutionary Women

Revolutionary Women

May 08, 2016
Rev. Justin Schroeder

The roots of Mother’s Day (the day was originally conceived as a “Mother’s Day for Peace”) are revolutionary, not the Hallmark Holiday we know today. During this service, we’ll celebrate revolutionary women, their faith, and the impact they’ve had – and are having – on creating a more just world.

Order of Service: May 8 Order of Service

Offering Recipient: Habitat for Humanity (give here)

May Worship Theme: Doorways
Alexander Graham Bell once said, “When one door closes, another opens.” Although it may sound a bit pollyannaish, there is a deep truth in this saying. Things come to an end. Experiments fail. Initiatives run their course. The truth of the matter is that life does not stop its unfolding. A door is always closing. A door is always opening. In this season of new life, graduations, and coming of age, we mark and celebrate doorways.

Listen to the Call to Worship and Sermon

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