The Unbreakable Place

The Unbreakable Place

March 27, 2016
Rev. Justin Schroeder

Homily by Rev. Justin Schroeder: “The Unbreakable Place”

As Unitarian Universalists, how do we make sense of the Easter story? How do we understand this archetypal story about new life found after loss and terrible grief? In this midst of brokenness, this is a story of wholeness and hope and something unbreakable. If we allow it, this is a story that can speak deeply to us, and our world, today. Come hear this story in a new light.

Wisdom Story: “The Road to Emmaus”

In this multi-generational Easter service, the wisdom story will be told in puppetry, music, drumming, and drama. One of three resurrection stories from the gospel of Luke, The Road to Emmaus asks each and all to remember the essence of Jesus’ teachings of transformation and what it takes to live the reality of good and grace into being. Join us for a message of hope even in the midst of hopelessness.

This Sunday is Multigenerational Worship – ages 4 years and up attend the entire service.

Services are at 9:30 and 11:15 a.m.

Order of Service: March 27 Order of Service

Special Music: First Universalist Choir

Offering Recipient: Habitat for Humanity (give here)

Listen to the Call to Worship and Homily:

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